

  • It's very easy for me to go over 1200 calories. And I rarely eat garbage. If, for example, I allow myself icecream, I eat at most 1/5 of a pint. I think the last time I had ice cream was 6 months ago. I like good healthy fresh food, and I use very little oil and moderate sizes. So I too would like to know how others keep…
  • I wear it as a badge that I haven't eaten at a real fast food restaurant in years. OK, that's not entirely true. I did go to In And Out three times in the last five years, but that was because I was with others and didn't want to be the intollerant odd person out. I used to eat at them a lot because of lack of time and…
  • I also love to bake sweet potato fries. Spray cookie sheet with Pam (and also spray the fries to make them crisp). Then I make a sweet mustard sauce (with splenda if I'm good, and honey when I'm not). But, most recently, I've beem making these amazing roasted red potatoes. Take about 3 lbs of red potatoes (cut in half or…
  • I would be weary of any artificial "colon cleansing." Generally, this is something that you want your body to do on its own, naturally. Our body has a delicate system, and beware of something that "forces it clean." The last thing you want is your system out of whack. And even less, a system that may become dependent on an…
  • I imagine that one day, when Teri Gross is interviewing you on Fresh Air, she'll ask about some of the sexism you've encountered in your profession. What a great story you'll have to tell.
  • Definately, he learned his lesson and maybe earned a bit of that karma back. And he'll be a better person for the lesson.
    in Bad NIght! Comment by Olympia May 2008
  • I fall victim to the dinner gorge from time to time. It depends on where I am in my cycle, and if I ate anything during lunch. Usually it's because I had nothing to eat all day but a cup of coffee. Take it as a learning experience. We've all been there so you're not alone. There are ways to cope. For me, it's making sure…
  • I used to get asked if I was pregnant at least twice a year... friend, family, stranger.... The problem is that I'm thin in most places except my belly, just like my mom. When I was young, I used to think she was pregnant all the time. It never felt good when someone asked me that. But, when I told them that I wasn't…
    in Bad NIght! Comment by Olympia May 2008
  • A teacher at the school where I work swears by this method of roasting his own coffee. I too love coffee and am interested in trying this method. Any recommendations on the kind of Popcorn machine that is best for this process? By the way, love Gen Mai. Been drinking it for years. :drinker: