

  • Yeah thats what I'm mostly going to use it for but I would like to see how many calories I burn doing other stuff. Like at work I walk around a lot and when I go to the zoo this summer. I think it will help me lose weight because then I know I should eat more calories then just eating workout calories.
  • I enter mine under Dancing, aerobic, ballet or modern, twist
    in Zumba Comment by ZacharysMom March 2010
  • that happened to me too. I ate and ate and ate one day and they next day I was down 1 pound when some days I eat good and workout and nothing! It's funny how losing weight can be so confusing. Now I know if I go out to dinner or do something fun I don't have to worry about always watching what I eat :bigsmile:
  • I actually had the same problem I was doing really good and then nothing even though I was watching what I ate and exercised. I even gained some weight :( Yesterday I was having a bad day and I just ate anything i wanted. I went 500 + calories over and I lost a pound this morning ?? Hang in there and try to eat some more…
  • I have mine on the lowest. He's 2 years old and we do stuff but he's very good about playing by himself and I don't chase after him all the time. In the summer I will definitely change it because we will be going to the pool, park, etc....FUN FUN ACTIVE ACTIVE! I can't wait. Last summer I wasn't very motivated but now I so…
  • the math confused me too hahaha....I was a little set back with the monthly fee but you know what it's not that expensive. If you pay for a year out right you pay less then $7 a month. I don't think thats too bad and I'm really into seeing what I've burned and what I should be doing.
  • yeah there is a monthly subscription. It actually looks like the body bugg is cheeper monthly and for the item.
  • Hi everyone. I haven't heard about these videos. I need to check them out. What's the deal with them? I'm looking to lose weight so if this would help I'm game. Funny how everyone is talking about going somewhere this because thats what I will be doing this weekend.. We are going to the Chula Vista. I'm a little worried…
  • I haven't lost the motivation to go workout but I been going over my calories. For whatever reason I'm hungry hungry hungry. Plus it didn't help that I had movie popcorn this week :( and bread kills me. I LOVE bread. Hopefully you can get back into things. I know how bad I feel when I don't do so good. So keep up the good…
  • Oh and I LOVE the fact that Chloe and Daniel are having a baby. I HOPE NOTHING bad happens with that story line
  • I like Bo but I do not like Hope......I am confused with E.J.s plan. I thought he wanted to get Sammie for himself BUT now he's talking about leaving with his children. Is that what he want's to do?????? I sure hope he doesn't go far with that. I wan't Samantha to get Sydney back SOON!
  • I didn't do anything high impact. It was pretty much salsa dancing. Let me tell you it wore me out too :( It was my first time doing it!
  • Hi I'm new to here but I LOVE Days of our Lives and I just wanted to let you know that even no matter what EJ has done for some reason I'm still pulling for him and Sammy. BUT she always does find out about everything so even if they get together it isn't going to last long :( OH and the Bo and Hope thing is getting really…