Scale Just Not Going Down



  • michilynn
    michilynn Posts: 12 Member
    I'm there with you! I'm getting married May 8th and would love to be at least another 15 pounds lighter by then. I have been workign out regularly and watching what I eat for almost 10 months, with a total weight loss of about 18 pounds.

    My problem is when I hit 197-198, my body just stops losing weight. I stay there for a couple weeks and then start to gain weight, with no change in my diet or exercise routine. I'm trying to prevent that from happening this time....
  • countingdown
    countingdown Posts: 25 Member
    I have been experiencing the exact same thing as most of you. After starting and stopping over and over again, I have been consistent for the past three weeks in excercising and maintaing my calories. The results, Nada. The scale hasn't moved. It can be quite frustrating and discouraging. However, I know the damage I have done to my metabolism needs some serious repair so I'm gonna stick with it for another three weeks and see what happens. I did find this article that made me feel a little (not much) less disheartened it's kind of long but I think well worth reading. Hope someone finds it useful.
  • I have been at the same weight since Jan 20th. Up two pounds, down two pounds, up and down. It was very frustrating. So yesterday was my weigh in day and I had lost .8lbs. Not really all that exciting since I figured I would be back up those .8lbs today (since it was in the range of my +/- 2lbs that I have been struggling with). Anyway, yesterday I went to a party and went crazy. I ate and ate. I estimated that I ate about 1500 calories in chips and dip-- and boy was it wonderful!! Anyway, I had a regular breakfast and dinner and when I got up this morning I was down another 2.5 lbs. My point is, maybe you need a few extra calories. I'm obviously not going to make a habit of it but I've decided that once a month I'm just going to eat whatever the heck I want.

    that happened to me too. I ate and ate and ate one day and they next day I was down 1 pound when some days I eat good and workout and nothing! It's funny how losing weight can be so confusing. Now I know if I go out to dinner or do something fun I don't have to worry about always watching what I eat :bigsmile:
  • You can manually change your calorie intake in the Goals Tabe. Go to manually change and you can change it yourself so you don't have to rejig the numbers of exercise.

    I am in the same boat but I've been measuring (Jan 23, Feb 10, March 1) and I've lost 18.54inches so I'm pretty happy with that. Even with a +/- 10% error margin, I'm still doing okay. Like you, though, the scale is not moving and I've been on 1222cals and not eating my exercise cals. I put up (manually) my cals to 1400 and as I've been sick in bed and not exercised yesterday and can't today, I'm not sure how this increase in cals will work.

    In the past, I could restrict food intake to the same cals I'm on now, no exercise and was consistently losing 4/5lbs per week at the weight I am now. I sorta feel like I'm being punished for exercising! Gah!

    I know I didn't look good when I lost the weight by diet only, but it sure felt nice to see a small number on the scale (I was at my goal weight 6 times in my adult life and always put the weight back on within 12-18mos---yes, all of the weight back on, all 60-70lbs!!!)....

    Anyway, let's all hope this eating your exercise cals and upping the cals level works. Good luck to us all!
  • ♥seoid♥
    ♥seoid♥ Posts: 476
    same here, i'm so mad and unhappy. :sad:
  • Ok, I did what I said last week, ate my 1200 calories and exercised within my target heart range for most of the time. I also did 2 big bike rides (15k & 20k). I lost 1.3kg. It worked! Hope this helps someone else.
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