

  • I feel pretty good today! The sun is finally coming out, and i got over a "bad" food couple of weeks so the scale is starting to go down. christinagriffith - don't be afriad to take a day off of running/jogging/the gym. Go for a pleasure walk if you still want to get exercise in, but your body could just need a break.
  • I had that fear too, but after loosing 50 pounds, the girls still stayed proportionally large. My bra size has changed, but not my cup size. I'm acutally wishing they would shrink a little. :)
  • I tend to let my body and mind tell me when to take a day off. If I have a bad workout, or am feeling more tired than usual, I take a day off. One's body does need to recover from the extra exertion, especially when one first starts to working out.