evangelean Member


  • Student here too! I'm boarding though and once I had the epiphany that my life and choices here are 80% more mine than they had been at home choosing to surround myself with healthy food was easier. And for roomates who order pizza twice a day - tell them what you're trying to do as long as you think they'll be cool about…
    in Students Comment by evangelean May 2014
  • Congratulations on the 10! Picture your weight loss in something more solid than a number, like a 10 pound brick. I personally count in infants, since my baby-cousin is pretty heavy, and i've taken over 2 of him off my shoulders since i started working to lose weight. It makes it feel real-er than reading it for me. At…
  • The way I boost my self esteem is to have something I feel I look very nice in stored away. I will never wear it anywhere anyone could judge me in it, so my opinion on how I look in it is the only one that matters. Slowly that mindset spreads to my appearance in other things until i'm all good again. Also congratulate…