Just hit my 10 lbs lost mark :)

Hey guys, i just hit my 10 pound lost mark and to be honest I'm not noticing ANY physical change. It's nice to see the numbers go down but even my clothing still fits the same. I've asked around and my mom tells me she notices a difference but c'mon..she's my mom. Lol. Anyone else experience the same or a similar situation?


  • gallen2O
    gallen2O Posts: 15 Member
    i just hit it as well and i feel the same way! i was like oh...10lb! i thought id see some physical difference by now or that others besides family would notice....but nope! I have noticed that some pants fit a little smaller, but i dont think it's a whole pant size yet :( i wonder how many lb = a pant size! Ugh, maybe once i hit 20 i will notice!
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    i didn't really notice till 15lbs. If you have a lot to lose it might take more. Remember the first lot of pounds is just water weight.
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    i didn't really notice till 15lbs. If you have a lot to lose it might take more. Remember the first lot of pounds is just water weight.


    The first bit is water weight, keep it up! Won't take long to notice now!!
  • i didn't really notice till 15lbs. If you have a lot to lose it might take more. Remember the first lot of pounds is just water weight.


    The first bit is water weight, keep it up! Won't take long to notice now!!

    Ditto. Also, I didn't start to see results on the scale until the third week. You have a great start; keep it up!
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    I and other people started noticing after about 16lb.

    10lb is fabulous. It will show soon, keep up the great work!
  • gallen2O
    gallen2O Posts: 15 Member
    i didn't really notice till 15lbs. If you have a lot to lose it might take more. Remember the first lot of pounds is just water weight.

    wait...so these first 10lb i lost is water and not fat?? im confused. when people say "water weight" i feel like its the part that fluctuates....
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    i didn't really notice till 15lbs. If you have a lot to lose it might take more. Remember the first lot of pounds is just water weight.


    The first bit is water weight, keep it up! Won't take long to notice now!!
    This ^

    I started to notice a bit around 15 pounds, others close to me (wife) noticed around 20-25, co-workers notice now that I'm close to 40 pounds.
  • Denisebar
    Denisebar Posts: 36 Member
    I just hit 20 lbs lost and I am really noticing it,
    Great progress,congrats!
  • fallingtrees
    fallingtrees Posts: 220 Member
    Hang in there. One of these days, you'll notice that your pants are baggy in the seat, or you have to cinch your bra up a notch, and you'll be back here doin' the Happy Dance.
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    Ya I didn't really notice much at 10 LBS either. Pants maybe not quite so tight. I'm at 22 now and I still don't actuallt SEE a difference, but am down a couple sizes and others see it. When I look at myself I don't see a difference at all. but don't worry before you know it people (besides your mom) will actually ask you if you've lost weight. That's an awesome feeling!
  • asciident
    asciident Posts: 166 Member
    I've lost about 13.5 lbs. In the mirror I see nothing different, but having taken measurements I know I've lost several inches. Also some clothes fit better/are a bit looser, but not to the point where I need new clothes. I have a lot to lose, though. My losing 13 lbs isn't the same as someone much closer to goal weight :)

    edit: oops, almost forgot! CONGRATS! I know it's hard to see, but you still did a great thing losing the first 10! keep it up!
  • AbsolutelyAnnie
    AbsolutelyAnnie Posts: 2,695 Member
    Take your measurements, if you haven't already. It will blow your mind when you start seeing those results.

    I think I really started to notice between 15 and 20 lbs, and in my face first. At that point I had also lost 18 inches from my neck to my calf.

    About water weight...yes, the first few pounds will definitely be excess water that your body has been carrying. The 8+ cups of water you should be drinking helps to flush that out. You will still deal with water weight every month, but if you weigh regularly and don't freak out about it, you will be fine.

    Some people just don't pay close attention and it does not mean they don't care about you or that you don't look different. Try not to let it derail you and your great progress.
  • Thats awesome :) im happy for you...keep up the good work
  • tress29
    tress29 Posts: 614 Member
    Congrats on reaching that first 10# goal! Keep working it, and you'll be back here to tell us you've lost 10 more!
  • jacquiearchambault
    jacquiearchambault Posts: 86 Member
    Just you wait! Measure all over and wait - you will see a change in due time. our body needs to catch up
  • astylla
    astylla Posts: 118 Member
    Congrats great job !! Everyone notices it at different times. I was able to notice on my body pretty quickly. MY profile pic shows me at my highest and me earlier this week at 299 in the same dress. My friends all commented how I wasn't crazy but I also have been workout pretty hard 7 days a week so that could influence my personal results - but don't get discouraged.

    Just think..that's 10 lbs that you no longer carry! Find ways to challenge yourself each day and you can do this!
  • evangelean
    evangelean Posts: 4 Member
    Congratulations on the 10! Picture your weight loss in something more solid than a number, like a 10 pound brick. I personally count in infants, since my baby-cousin is pretty heavy, and i've taken over 2 of him off my shoulders since i started working to lose weight. It makes it feel real-er than reading it for me.

    At 10-ish pounds i wasn't seeing a difference so i took a picture and compared it to me seven pounds later. it was a big 'aha' moment when i noticed the little differences. i plan to keep doing it so that's my suggestion for if you want to see your progress!