

  • 6/16/14....22.09 miles 111.10 for June
  • I had BR in 2000.....removed 4 pds tissue.....I have never regretted it for one second! 8 years later at 42 I had a nice surprise, another baby! 17 tears after my last breasts did get larger during the pregnancy but back to what they were after giving birth----and amazingly enough was still able to breast feed…
  • 6/13/2014....20 miles 89.01 miles for June
  • 6/7/14....8 miles spin class 69.01 miles for June
  • 6/6/14...6.89 miles (my 5 year old in tow on the tag along bike) 61.01 miles to date
  • 6/6/14...6.89 miles (my 5 year old in tow on the tag along bike) 61.01 miles to date
  • 6/6/14.....10 miles (spin class) 54.12 miles for June hope to ride again this evening!
  • 6/1/14 ...22.64 miles 6/5/14....21.48 miles 44.12 miles for June
  • that is awesome! I wish I had that much time to dedicate to the gym! Some days I get lucky and get 2 hours....sorry this was for the cross trainer post...I forgot the quote
  • I will tell I did tons of research on having Plantar release and the things I came up with were more negative than positive....but at that point I had let 3 years pass trying to gimp on and that lead me to walking different to favor my injury...which lead to the other 2 surgeries....I had all the cortisone injections I…
  • Also forgot to say that I have found nothing that touches the amount of calories I can burn per hour like cycling.... am experiment with hiking a bit and it seems to be pretty good too! Love the elipitical at the gym but 35 minutes seems to be my limit there for about 400 calories
  • I started cycling after 3 foot surgeries on one foot....plantar release, tarsal tunnel and chielotomy....can't wear just any type shoes and absolutely no impact on that ankle....I spent months on my old cruiser bike and when I got to 30+ miles 5 days a week my husband bought me a hybrid! I fell in love with it!!! I ride at…
  • "When I really push myself I can do 1000 calories in 1 hour 20 on the bike - That's 12.5 calories a minute which is just about my limit I think" That's awesome....before my injury/surgery I was probably at 1000 in 1 hr 45 minutes.... unless I was climbing but my normal morning ride is relatively flat... I ride much…
  • check out my pinterest board of low carb recipes I have collected....some are more for maintenance than loss
  • I burned 1440 calories on a 2 hour bike ride this morning....not at a very fast pace, 11 mph average....some climbing...22.8 miles...I use a Garmin HRM & bike computer
  • I am just returning to cycling after a cycling injury last August that brought my world to a screeching halt! I herniated a disc in my neck while climbing on my bike.....spent the next 5 months in therapy, which in my opinion made it worse but insurance required the therapy first....MRI in December confirmed herniated…
  • I have a cousin on my maternal side that had gastric bypass, lost 120 pounds....gained that + 30 more back and over the last 3 years has lost 150 thru diet and exercise. I have a cousin on my paternal side that had gastric bypass on 12 April 2014....started the Muscle Milk diet 3 weeks prior so no solid foods 3 weeks…