

  • Going out is hard, just eat half of what is on your plate or share with someone and you'll be good.
  • I was talking to a nutritionist and he said that women who eat too much protein can feel down or become depressed easily. And I found that to be true for me, it makes be feel lethargic like when I eat too much processed foods.
  • My husband is a homebrewer, which means we make beer at home. Beer is not really "whole-grain" its a liquid aftermath of boiling whole grains. Here is the deal: most beers are made with from barley, hops, water, and yeast. You start by boiling the grain and hops for a current amount of time, when done the grains and hops…
  • My best chances for that is going to a discount/cheap grocery store. PriceRight in my area great prices on fresh fruit, veggies and herbs.
  • Can you chew gum? Gum, especially mint flavors can subdue your appetite. It what gets me through that rough time in between meals.
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