Multi- though I'm starting to wonder if I should keep taking it, I take so many others. Iron- At the recommendation of my doctor as I've suddenly become anemic. Calcium Magnesium- Apparently to help absorb vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C- I find it helps with allergies. Vitamin B 100- for everything else. I'm also curious…
I love this ^, so true!
June 8- 35 km- 2 hours June 10- 14.38 km- 57 minutes Total so far: 122.50 km roughly. As I previously mentioned, I just started recently, so no goal yet. :)
Yum! Thanks for sharing this!
Yesterday, roughly 30km- 1.5 hours.
Just started, love it! We go every couple of days, June 1- we did 29 km in 1 hour and 49 minutes June 2- 14.50 km in 52 minutes
Well, after reading this thread, I learned that apparently, I do not exist. Canadians= mythical unicorn bacon.:smile:
I just had the same thing happen. Was minding my own business doing my thing, due an injury had to stop running, so decided to take up cycling. I don't weigh myself regularily but, I'm up 12 pnds since the last time I weighed myself. People have been telling me I look like I've lost weight, so I assume I gained muscle?
I love my One! It not only counts step but also counts stairs climbed, just throw it in your pocket or clip it to whatever and go.
I usually eat out more on the weekend. Week days- generally, I buy a loaf of sour dough for breakfasts- toasted with a little bit of melted cheese on top. Lunches, I prepare in advance, my slow cooker is an asset for this! Dinners, usually something quick, in the summer I tend to BBQ up a bunch of meat and eat with rice…