sunflowerkb Member


  • Your brave to even step foot in that place! Each day is itself. No re-do. As said before, start fresh and for the week.. no more cheating. But by thinking you can eat like that and make it up later would be a mistake. Unless your metabolism is changing and can help you balance that day out. Maybe if you put your meal in…
  • I have the same thing. I work with a trainer too. I do bursts. I do cardio, strength and everything. I only turn beat red, my hands look like 10 fat sausages and sometimes they don't even like to make a fist after an intense workout... and... I won't drop a bead of sweat. I drink all my water every day. It's just my body…
  • Protein isn't as tricky as it seems. Suppliments are great but natural is best. I eat Alvarado Street sprouted whole grain bread, and sometimes Kashi Go Lean - Cereal (Naturally Sweetened Fiber Twigs, Soy Protein Grahams and Honey Puff), 1 cup. That alone has 13 g. Egg beaters as many have said. I know things get a little…
  • I know how that is! It happend to me in the beginning. I was doing all that too and nothing happened until about 6 weeks into it where I started losing a little and then boom, last week I drop 4 lbs. I think our bodies need time to adjust. I worked with a personal trainer for 5 of those weeks and didn't lose one pound. I…
  • Pasta is a big one for me. Bread and cheese and not fat free cheese! But I do eat pasta once a week. I measure it but I still eat it. I save enough calories for the day to allow 2 servings. And the same with cheese. Once a week I have a big ole sandwhich with whatever cheese I want. It works. I don't go over my calories…