NurdCore Member


  • water is your best friend when you find yourself snacking too much, it works for me like a charm. There are some times that even the water won't cut it and I still know that I don't need to snack, so i will walk around the block, or get involved in a video game. I manage to forget all about snacking after a while.
  • I watched the documentary fat head on hulu last week and it talked about the fats. I tried this in my diet this week. For a post workout meal, I ordered two McDouble burgers (plain) from mickey Ds, took a bun off each burger and slapped them together for a whooping 4 patty goodness. I have to say that eating this actually…
    in Carbs... Comment by NurdCore May 2011
  • southern deep fried 3 musketeers bar.
  • I manage to crank out two properly formed push ups, but it takes almost all the energy I can muster to do it.
  • Thanks everyone for your support. I'm sitting here now with a big smile on my face; even though I picked up a pound or two by this morning weight in, at least I know that weight was muscle because I can actually see some muscles when I flex the arms and legs. I was feeling them under the skin a few weeks ago but just…
  • I've used cardio trainer and it's pretty awesome for what it does, but it does still need a lot of work. I noticed that it's not very accurate and I purchased the heart rate monitor and I have yet to get that thing to work properly. But I still give it a shot after each update.
  • Pure Protein (50g). I go through one or two of these a day. I love the chocolate deluxe one.
    in Power Bars Comment by NurdCore May 2011