
I'm having so much trouble keeping my carbs down. they are averaging out at around 200 everyday, which is putting me in the negatives. Has anyone got any tips?


  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    Make your plate up of 1/2 low glycemic veggies, 1/4 lean protein and 1/4 whole grain carbs. Eat your veggies first, then go onto your meat and carbs. You'll finish with something satisfying but wont have room for anymore carbs
  • Knightrobs
    Knightrobs Posts: 33 Member
    Eat more fatty calories. Fatty foods are far more satisfying and reduce cravings. Do not be afraid of fats. Do yourself a favour and google "the myth about fats".
  • lizzil0
    lizzil0 Posts: 181 Member
    I second "eat more fats"- I changed around my percentages and have been feeling more satisfied and eating less calories now that my fats are higher. Give it a shot!
  • NurdCore
    NurdCore Posts: 8 Member
    Eat more fatty calories. Fatty foods are far more satisfying and reduce cravings. Do not be afraid of fats. Do yourself a favour and google "the myth about fats".

    I watched the documentary fat head on hulu last week and it talked about the fats. I tried this in my diet this week. For a post workout meal, I ordered two McDouble burgers (plain) from mickey Ds, took a bun off each burger and slapped them together for a whooping 4 patty goodness. I have to say that eating this actually effected me in a very positive way. I managed to keep the carbs lower and skyrocket the protein, but I stayed under the suggested fat and I managed to lose 3 pounds this week instead of 2 by increasing my fat and protein and lowering carbs.
  • LButterfly201
    LButterfly201 Posts: 164
    Thank you all very much for your advice...will definitely try this :)