Laerai Member


  • I gained 2.5 lbs after getting a pretty decent burn yesterday - glad to see this thread, and I hope my body will let go of the water by Sunday - (my official mini-goal weigh in day!)
  • Oh man, we JUST got to that part this weekend. Ms. Liberty, OMG! And the end. I leaked.
  • I just made a post about this in another group. It has to be within the past two weeks, because that's when I finished Series 6 and there was no 7 yet!
  • Maybe a craft where they can design their own pokemon, and make a trading card with the stats on it? Or maybe a pokemon card with a picture of themselves? I suppose you'd need a polaroid or a photo printer and digital camera. I saw this pokepizza.
  • After reading all these... I really need to go back and rewatch the first 3 movies... I feel like I don't remember a bunch! Also... Nightcrawler. I adore Alan Cumming, and hope he'll reprise the role at some point.
  • I get the episode titles confused and initially thought this was the episode with the crab beasts in the airlocked highway that everyone's been in for 20 years.
  • Mountain. Dew. It is my favorite vice, and I'm probably addicted to caffeine as well. I have the natural eating habits of a 14 year old boy.
  • I couldn't sew at all at first. There are ways of finding pieces and altering them for your needs. I hand stitch a lot of my alterations, and I don't use a sewing machine! I've done pretty well with this. I've got cosplays for: Kaylee Frye from Firefly Steampunk Kaylee Medli from Legend of Zelda Blossom from Powerpuff…
    in Cosplay! Comment by Laerai May 2014
  • I find that it's actually easier for me to play in the arcade, instead of at home! I don't know what it is, but I play better on the cabinets.
    in At-Home Play Comment by Laerai May 2014
  • I feel like I have nothing to compare. I've got chronic back issues from scoliosis and poor posture. I'm getting physical therapy and learning how to treat myself. Standing for long periods of time is bad. I also have a sprained foot that never quite healed right so a lot of high impact stuff drives it crazy. I still do it…
  • Oh how I wish this community were still active!
  • Invite please, sounds fun!
  • Thank you so much for sharing! This seems like a blast!
    in Any Tributes? Comment by Laerai May 2014
  • My first con EVER was Dragoncon in 08, I think. Kind of a mistake to go to that epic of a con first time out - all other cons pale in comparison. That being said, I adore going to cons, large or small. New York Comic Con/Anime Fest AnimeNext WickedFaire RenFaire (not really a con, but still) I'm in the NYC-metro area, and…
    in Conventions! Comment by Laerai May 2014
  • I have a bunch - hard to choose. Smashing Pumpkins' For Martha is way up there though!
    in Favorite Song Comment by Laerai May 2014
  • I MOURNED 9. So hard. It took me awhile to love 10. I'm almost to loving 11. I hated Donna at first, but by the end, oh my heart.... Also, feel free to friend me! New Whovian (currently at Series 6 of the new Who). Also HUGE Harry Potter dork, Cosplayer, Legend of Zelda, Firefly, DDR, general Fantasy geek.
    in Allons-y! Comment by Laerai April 2014
  • I'm hoping that this group becomes active! I joined the old one too, but it's a deadzone. I'm Onn. I'm a beginner, though I've been playing off and on for a few years (always stopped before I could get better and challenge myself). I've been making a pretty serious effort to get back into it for the past few months. Right…
  • I love NYCC! They also have NY Anime Fest at the same con. I remember going when they were both separate cons. My geeky boyfriend is also overwhelmed by the crowds, but it helps to have a plan, and take things in short bursts.
  • I have a Red Oak Leaf on my right hip: And in one week I'm getting a phoenix feather on my left hip!
    in Tattoos Comment by Laerai April 2014
  • When people refer to Link as Zelda.
  • I wish I had more time to game.... My favorite love is fantasy-type RPGs. Zelda is my favorite series of all time, I've been playing it since I was 4. I've been absorbed by Fallout as of late, and I make as much time as possible for DDR/ITG (also a great workout!)
  • I use the ITG Dance Machine to get my workout on.
  • Fina, There's a Whole Foods in Union Square (not sure if that's too far for you)
  • Friend me! I'm into harry potter, cosplay, firefly, Dr. Who... etc. Run of the mill geek fandom interests gal here. ^_^
  • I'm on the Hudson/Essex border. Feel free to add me!
  • I prefer In The Groove, and I play that when I can. I also have DDR for my Wii at home.
    in Hello? Comment by Laerai April 2014
  • Hi! I saw this group and it just clicked. I'm 30, 5'3 and just shy of 200 lbs. I started MFP about 3 weeks ago, hoping to lose 50 lbs exactly. Long journey ahead. I find that calorie counting with this app helps a lot. If I decide to eat a triple brownie sundae at a restaurant, I am definitely more aware of the impact and…