

  • What on earth did you do to burn 2250 in a day?!
  • That sagging is excess skin and no exercise in the world is going to fix that. You just have to give it time and hope that your skin will shrink back to size. The younger you are the more elasticity your skin will still have and the less sagging you'll see.
  • Diet pills do not work, and yes, they can be very dangerous. There is no quick fix. If you want to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. Whether you do that by increasing exercise, decreasing calories, or both is entirely up to you.
  • Also, if you have big boobs, beware the hand held body fat monitors. Seriously. The proximity of your boobs to the current running through your arms will throw off the measurement
  • It sounds like you're suffering from depression. In addition to therapy, I STRONGLY recommend you see a psychiatrist (an actual MD). You may need antidepressants.
  • The thing that angers me is the people who condemn Atkins the most are the ones who understand it the least. People hear "Atkins" or "low-carb" and immediately freak out. ZOMG NO CARBS! YOU'RE GONNA DESTROY YOUR KIDNEYS! That's not how the diet works. For the first two weeks, you can have as much protein and fat as you…
  • Good for you Beth! I did Atkins about 10 years ago and lost over 50 lbs (and kept it off until very recently). It really worked well for me. The first 2 weeks were hard, but every day it got a little bit easier. I had more energy, slept better and for fewer hours each night, and was generally in a better mood than I had…
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