T OR F? Handheld Body Fat Loss Monitor ( and BMI)

I have a Omron Body Fat Loss Monitor- which is supposed to measure your % of body fat by using
Bioelectrical Impedance
as well as calculating your BMI based on your height/weight.

Using the BMI Calculator on this site, the number it gives me is pretty close to what the monitor displays...
so my question is............how accurate is the % of body fat?

And, which number is the greater indicator ( if either) of losing that dreaded Visceral Fat?


  • skyski_tige
    skyski_tige Posts: 67 Member
    I don't believe it is very accurate. It depends on the time of day and how much water you have had to drink.
  • SamRu
    SamRu Posts: 7
    Also, if you have big boobs, beware the hand held body fat monitors. Seriously. The proximity of your boobs to the current running through your arms will throw off the measurement