hiwy44 Member


  • I am soooooooo ready for spring, it's been tough here in Wisconsin this year. I want to ride!!!!
  • I gain weight when I am stressed out too. It really sucks!!!
  • Hi Everyone, I am Angie. I am 45 years old and live in SE Wisconsin. I gained weight in my 20's after serving in the Air Force and it's been a constant struggle ever since. I have been away from fitness pal for awhile, but I hope to jumpstart my weight loss again. I am at my heaviest I have ever been. And feeling pretty…
  • that's Low sodium soy sauce, lol
  • I marinate mine with low fat italian dressing, sow sodium soy sauce, then grill :)
  • I would love the recipe's, stuffed peppers, good idea. And Salsa on my fish, I am trying that one!!
    in Recipe's Comment by hiwy44 January 2012
  • I weigh myself once a week on Monday, daily weight changes too much once a week gives me a better idea if I am on track or not. I did go two weeks this last time and was happy to have lost weight. I did try and watch myself over the holidays but did not deprive myself. Now back to once a week.
  • Way to go, my weigh in day is monday and I plan on 01/2/2012 to be the start for this year!!
  • I bought bands from walmart, also bought a door band (has two bands and you can change the grips from top to bottom for different exercieses). It hooks up to the door, this one was about 35.00. Just bands are cheaper
  • I have had gym memberships in the past but then they go to waste. Being winter now I just bought the Zumba for my wii, very cool and really gets me moving and not boring like my treadmill for aerobics. I have always wanted to learn tai chi but they do not offer any classes in my area and I am on second shift for the…
  • Hi I am Angie, I am in my early 40's and have been dealing with my weight issue since my early 20's when I got out of the Air Force. I need to lose 150 lbs. I keep doing the yo yo thing with 20-30 lbs. I feel real good when I lose that weight, but then something will happen and I will stress out and gain it back. Yup I am…