

  • Best of luck to you! You can do it! I'm with you, if all else doesn't come through, inches lost would be faaaaaaaab
  • I feel your pain... it's so hard when you see a gain! It's like all that effort is wasted, but it's not! I have to tell myself this too after seeing a gain of 0.6 lbs for this past week... I thought I was doing well, too. Alas, this is the struggle of losing weight. Keep up the hard work! You'll get there. If only scales…
  • I'm in! Getting married December 13 and really need to get fit. CW: 200 lbs. GW by end of April: 192 lbs
  • Hello! Please feel free to add me if you're looking for more friends. Wedding date: Dec 13, 2014 CW: 200 Goal for June (engagement photos): 185 lbs Goal for Wedding: 160 lbs UGW: 140 lbs Love seeing all the success of WB brides. I'd love to hear more from you and any tips are greatly appreciated!