

  • I am a teacher and I will say something to a child I don't know if they are being rude.
  • can't.stop.laughing! I will never look at the 5week prediction again without thinking of a giggling homeless underwear stealer.
  • Give yourself a day or two to absorb the change in your life. Then call up a friend and go for a walk or a run. Having someone else there to take some of the attention OFF the ex might be helpful to get you over the hump. If you do go on a binge just remember that you are most likely NOT going to gain 5 lbs from one day of…
  • I am just below (like 150cals shy) of my goal everyday (I've been on here for four days now) and hitting my exercise targets as well. My "5 week" shows me at 121, which is losing 2 lb a week instead of 1. Then there's the fact that I have actually gained a pound this week. I log and measure everything. I totally do not…
  • I'm in, bought 30d shred two years ago and was irritated bc I couldn't do more than one pushup so I started p90x instead. Reality check: I work 55hrs a week minimum, don't have 1+hrs to DO p90x everyday :(. I think 27m is more manageable for me and after a somewhat successful attempt at p90x I can do 6 consecutive pushups!
  • Thank you all for your advice! I was not aware that I should eat back lost calories. SHBoss, I did read all of your links and hopefully I can apply what I learned there. So basically it sounds like this is gonna take a lot of work and a lot of time. I am 5' 8", medium build and currently at 131. My current goal is 125.
  • Hey newbies, Wishing you both luck on your goals, please send "stay away from Arby's" vibes my way! Anyone have tips on what kind of a water bottle I could get to keep my water cold? Room temp. grosses me out and I end up not drinking it. I have 18 six year olds all day and can't leave to get ice/refresh my water Teachnc
    in Newbie Comment by teachnc February 2010
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