5 week prediction

My diary for the past 3 days has said in 5 weeks I will be 141- 143 which is a loss of 2.2lbs a week I never lose this much in one week. Is this accurate at all ? :S


  • laurenashleah
    So far it has been accurate for me. The first week I only lost 1 pound but now I'm losing more than 2 pounds a week.
  • rougecrayon
    If your 5 week prediction is often wrong, there may be a problem with your calorie counting or exercise counting...

    Are you sure you are counting everything that you are eating... including oils, dressings, etc?
    Are you measuring everything you are eating correctly?
    Do you look at your heart rate etc while exercising to count how many calories you've burned, or do you rely on MFP's database?

    Another option might be if you are just starting to exercise, muscles may be growing, and a little muscle is heavier than a lot of fat. Don't lean on that as an excuse, but it's possible...
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    That count has never been right for me, which doesn't surprise me because all my days are NEVER like the one day MFP is evaluating.
  • leanneakaliz
    leanneakaliz Posts: 229 Member
    Thanks guys I do log everything and use a HRM I am currently trying to do the TDEE -20% thing but struggling big time lol
  • teachnc
    I am just below (like 150cals shy) of my goal everyday (I've been on here for four days now) and hitting my exercise targets as well. My "5 week" shows me at 121, which is losing 2 lb a week instead of 1. Then there's the fact that I have actually gained a pound this week. I log and measure everything. I totally do not trust the prediction and am doubting the calculations of this website completely :huh:
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    it lies to me, but gives me great motivation, and so far i'll take what I can get
  • Puerulus
    Puerulus Posts: 53 Member
    The trick is evaluate whether the food option you've put in is accurate, which is not always easy. I've seen crazy inaccurate things on this website - like a cheese tomato toasted sandwich for 100 calories (I WISH!). But vote that its wrong and choose a more accurate option.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I just use it as a guide rather than some kind of accurate results predictor.
    There are things it can't factor in right. Like the calories you'll burn lifting weight.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    The trick is evaluate whether the food option you've put in is accurate, which is not always easy. I've seen crazy inaccurate things on this website - like a cheese tomato toasted sandwich for 100 calories (I WISH!). But vote that its wrong and choose a more accurate option.

    right. there are SO many wrong entries.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    It's not really a predictor, it's a very rough guide.

    If you're not eating your target calories, then of course your predicted loss is going to be greater!
  • Silvara_11
    Silvara_11 Posts: 133 Member
    Thanks guys I do log everything and use a HRM I am currently trying to do the TDEE -20% thing but struggling big time lol

    Don't lose hope everybody is different. As of today I've lost a pound a week - except in my first two weeks I lost 5 pounds then nothing moved until today when I had another major loss and a catch-up. I usually weigh myself once or twice a week and the weight has been all over the place. But trousers I couldn't fit into 2 weeks ago are comfortable now, so don't always just rely on the scale, look at inches and how your body feels.

    My body loses weight first then shrinks to the new weight and I repeat, while I'm shrinking the weight doesn't budge. In the past I've lost hope but this time thanks to great encouraging people on here I've managed to stay focused and the results are the best I've had.

    Hang in there!!
  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    my 5 week prediction is the weird homeless guy will still be stealing underwear off my clothes line and i will still hear him giggling in the forrest as the sun sets sure i sometimes ramdomly shoot my pistol off in the trees but he still giggles he stilll giggles
  • teachnc
    can't.stop.laughing! I will never look at the 5week prediction again without thinking of a giggling homeless underwear stealer.