

  • Hi there, I know its really hard being stuck like you are. I only walk for exercise and so far have been quite successful with just walking. I do little jogs while out walking too, and this helps burn some fat. I think maybe your not eating enough and maybe your body goes into starvation mode, and that is why your not…
  • i also have a fitbit flex! Loving mine as well! it drives you to keep moving which Is great! I'll add you!
  • Lately I have had breakfast then gone for a 60-70 min brisk walk and im not hungry when i get home. I only eat before i go, as i figure it will fuel me with energy for my walk...
  • I wanted to "LIKE"many of your comments but i don't know how to give the "Thumbs up"??? All the info that everyone has provided has helped me a lot. Thank you everyone, I'm now understanding this a lot more.:flowerforyou:
  • Ok, I'll out it in my pocket next walk. BUT... it did pick up my steps cause when i finished walking, it said i did 4000 steps which i had almost calculated right (i counted for 100 steps which was roughly 1 40 minutes would have been 4000 steps) so this doesn't explain why i only got a lousy 52 calories…
  • Hi all, I'm new to this fitbit flex that i bought today. I have linked the fitbit with MFP and i just went for a 3.4km walk in the HEAT and according to STRAVA (which is another app i use to work out how many calories i have burnt) i have burnt 384 calories BUT accoding to fitbit i have burnt 52???? I'm dripping in sweat…
  • I dont know how to add people, but if you do, please add me :)
    in Fitbit? Comment by angenrod April 2014
  • Hi all, I'm also new with fitbit flex!!! Can anyone help with this question... I just walked 3.4km and accoring to STRAVA (an app i use to track calories burnt) it says i burnt 384 cal. Fitbit however said i burnt 52 calories. I'm sweating from head to toe and drink 600 ml of water throught the what do i…
    in Fitbit? Comment by angenrod April 2014
  • Thank you everyone for your comments. I do weight all my food, I'm very conscious about that. I have stuck very close to 1200 Calories. Does anyone think I should increase my calories?? When i've worked out (on various websites) how many calories I should eat to lose weight, it either comes back at some ridiculous amount…
  • I have a great set of scales that measure weight, water, bone and and percentage of fat. It tells me what each measurement should be between. The percentage of fat has gone up from 37% to 37.2% and all other measurements have stayed the same and in the right measurement frame. (except my % of fat and weight....they have…