

  • Hawai 5 0 Magnum PI Miami Vice Scrubs Airwolf Hearrt to Heart
  • The guys who work in the gym should really teach people good form, otherwise i recommend a personal trainer. But some think they are better and have been doing gym for years so dont need someone to show them how, me included, but i have developed good form, slow, light full movements. Our saunas (i love a sauna) are…
  • Personally ive tried all the lazy ways of fat loss. Lcarnatine, Thermogenics (like having 5 shots of esspresso), green tea (just made me nauzeous). None worked for me would have been better off giving the $ to a good cause (like my education). Now i use only a multi-vit, MFP and common sense. Seems to be working. hang in…
  • Hi, well i think firstly its just a guide for you. But its not imperative that you consume those calories again. your body needs the 1200 cal for your normal day to day living as you stated when you started your profile. But bear in mind that for a healthy weight loss, you shouldnt be to far below your calorie intake so as…
  • Working in the trade myself. I as a dealer dont mind iether way, if you choose to fix the transmission/gearbox I make money, if you choose to sell it il give you next to nothing, fix it at cost and sell it on. For you its a sad situation and all depends on what you can get with the money offered etc. Also dont forget about…
  • Plan of attack always a good thing, just hope i stick with it. i like to vary my workouts to have Hi intensity, cardio fitness raising (140 to 177) togehter with 130 to 150 fat burning consistent exersise. I wont mention the stretching and core exersise i do before and after each work out to maintain suppleness and get…
  • Have to agree there. way under calorie goal, should always stay around the goal figure so as to not shock the system. the calories that are there are all junk foods, wheres the healthy stuff, didnt note 1 fruit in there. Pleased ont give up, stay here and get some proper advice on what you eat. No chocolates for now no…
  • Please dont give up, it takes time, especially when you start something new. the body is finding ways of adapting, trust me. the weight gain will last a few weeks. keep at it and then you will see the pounds shedding. stay away from those choc almonds and have an pineapple slice instead. Also vary your exersise as much as…