

  • Hi Laura. I'll be more than glad to give some extra support. I know how important it is. Go ahead and friend me too. The more the merrier :smile:
    in hi all Comment by swransky February 2012
  • Hello. I'm just starting out with this website again. i've tried it before but i don't have a computer at home so it made it hard to stick with it. I've been going strong for about 4 weeks now. I'd love to help you and get some additional support as well. Good luck to you. Go ahead and add me as well.
    in Hello Comment by swransky February 2012
  • I didn't lose any this week. Hoping for better results next week. Congradulations to all the ones that have made their goal early. Way to go.:smile:
  • Checking in for this week. I am now at 182. Baby steps but they're in the right direction. Hope everyone had a good week. We are just about at the home stretch.
  • Checking in for the week 184. I seriously have to change my ways here. I am really not where I want to be. Hope for better results next week. Good luck everyone.
  • Sorry I missed the last check in. I don't have access to a computer at home. I will be checking in on Tuesday. Have a great week everyone.
  • Hi everyone just checking in for the week. I haven't lost or gained any this week. I was out of down and not able to eat/exercise the way I would have liked:smile. Spring break for the kids next week so hopefully I can get back on track. Good luck everyone:smile:
  • Hi everyone. Just checking in for the week. I gained 1 pound this week:sad: I WILL have better results next week. Hope everyone else had a better week.
  • HI everyone. I thought everyone did an awesome job this week. Even if we didn't lose much it's still a great start. I hope everyone stays motivated to continue and good luck to the new comers. Can't wait to see the losses next week. Good luck everyone:smile:
  • Hi everyone. Wasn't sure where to put our weight in figures. I hope this is ok. I did ok this week. I really have to cut back on all my snacking. That is my biggest down fall. Hope everyone else had a good week and if not hang in there. We still have time and can meet this goal. Starting weight-195 (1/1/11) Starting weight…
  • I am really excited to be part of this. I am a competitive person so seeing what everyone else is losing will encourage me. Good luck everyone with the challange:smile:
  • Hi. My starting weight today is 184.4. My long term goal is 140. I know I have a long way to go but this is a step in the right direction. Good Luck everyone :happy:
  • I'd like to join too. I'm new to this website so let me know what I have to do.