

  • depends on your body shape, but yes I also wear a large in many styles and brands and I am 187.
  • When I was working full time in a medical practice I had to rush to snack or eat. i got real good at stashing quick snacks. any granola bar Kellogs 90 cal bar carrot sticks cucumber sticks hard boiled egg beef jerky home made snack mix- any nuts, raisins, dried mango, dried cherry, raisins... laughing cow cheese and…
  • I love to make sides. My current fav is a delicious fresh tasting cabbage salad. I love coleslaw but it is soooo packed with calories. When and aunt in law made this I was overjoyed!! shredded cabbage shredded carrots chopped tomato chopped cilantro chopped bell peppers(all or any color) salt or bouillon vinegar (not too…
  • Yes, I try to eat fruit, whole wheat, veggies and lean. Hub wants fried chicken and meat and large variety of foods. Toddler wants cereal and crackers and pretzels-although he mainly eats what I eat he wants all the bread stuff in addition. Makes for a very full fridge. And of course while I cook other things I sample for…
  • Was actually on a program with a doctor who would give me the pills, and vit B shots. I lost 20 lbs pretty quickly but gained it all back. I think it was cuz my body didn't adapt, I didn't really have to work for it or change my habits. I tried this two different times with two different doctors with the same results!!! I…
    in Diet Pills Comment by angmora April 2011
  • you carry a 30 pound sleeping toddler thru the mall, to lunch, for a walk...... like nuttin
  • I have noticed the same thing..... I will have a over calorie few days and panic. And I will weigh less. I have a friend on here who is really fit and changes her calorie intake to keep her metabolism up. And sometimes when I am on vacation I get what I call accidental exercise.... where I will walk everywhere or play in…
  • o i forgot.... embarrassing stuff is funny when you put it down the list a little cuz people are so happy they have something. I called out preparation H, my boss yanked it out of her purse joyfully yelling, "I have it"!!!!
  • My all time favorite is called..... WHATS IN THE BAG? You don't have to buy anything or bring anything. Just write a list of common things we all carry around, and a few odd things~ you will be surprised some people carry wild stuff. Women carry these huge bags around with their entire lives in them. It is really funny cuz…
  • Funny, I had a nice laugh instead of all the normal fitness chat. Thanx you bunch of sillies!! And great work on looking hot.... I mean being fit:bigsmile:
    in WTF?????? Comment by angmora April 2011
  • usually when I need a snack I'm desperate. I keep a V-8 in my bag... I drink it before I eat any carbs. As far as carbs go I live in Honduras so I don't have access to a lot of the fancy snacks as I did in the US but I do have special K 90 calorie bars and dried fruit.
  • usually when I need a snack I'm desperate. I keep a V-8 in my bag... I drink it before I eat any carbs. As far as carbs go I live in Honduras so I don't have access to a lot of the fancy snacks as I did in the US but I do have special K 90 calorie bars and dried fruit.
  • how wonderful!! You have worked hard!! You deserve to smile!!!
  • Like everyone else is saying, counting your calories is what helps you loose. I am a good example of what you are asking. I eat ok, but I do have chocolate almost daily. But as I have gotten more fit I appreciate eating healthier for a few benefits. I like to munch, and I can snack more if I eat healthier. And since I have…
  • I've done some googling to compare, and yeah it seems to be on. I take a daily vitamin.
  • Welcome!! I will tell you one of my favorite daily motivators.... at the end of each day "finish" your diary. It gives you your projected weightloss. Its a nice day ender!!
  • I freak out monthly!!! And now that I track everything so closely I notice every ounce!!! But don't worry I can fluctuate up to 5 LBS, which seems like alot to me but it is what it is!! Don't let it get you down it is a real rush when that weight is gone and then you are also down even more. Your hard work will pay off!!!
  • Take advantage of everyday!!!! You can do it. Some days that I don't feel motivated I put my exercise into my log before I do it and when I see the numbers it helps. And since its in my log I have to do it!!! :wink: The other thing that helps with this site is at the end of the day "finish" your diary, it tells you what…
  • You look wonderful. You have worked very hard!! "Being honest" with yourself was well put, its a very small thing but it is important!!! You are an inspiration!!
  • All of my jeans were getting too big, so I took ALL of them to the seamstress and had them make them a little snug. Now only way to go is DOWN:bigsmile:
  • I'm not into hardcore workout videos, I like to have fun, and kinda get distracted. I have been enjoying Julianne Hough's ballroom dance workout. It isn't too easy like some videos.... i like a little challenge. You can try out her clip on YouTube before buying too.
  • reduced balsamic vinegar is sooo yum. you can use it as a base and doctor it with fruit!!! here is a recipe online I googled it and it says 2calories per tablespoon. surprise to me cuz is real sweet