Baby shower game ideas needed!

00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
edited September 26 in Chit-Chat
I'm hosting a baby shower tomorrow and need some game ideas?


  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Soccer is always good; unless they are still crawling.
  • mssugarca
    mssugarca Posts: 75
    ok this is going to sound gross...but I saw this on an episode of 19 kids and counting and it was cute and gross at the same time

    It's guess the get a bunch of diapers and you melt different chocolate bars and put them inside the diapers.....the guests have to guess the poop...(what kind of chocolate bars they are)'s cute and gross
  • kountrygrl27
    kountrygrl27 Posts: 107 Member
    Here are some that were played at showers I attended:

    Remove the wraper from a jar of baby food., have people smell the food to figure out what it is.

    Place several Items on a tray, pass it around then have everyone recall what was on the tray.

    They diaper pin game ( if u say baby u loose the pin)


    Toliet paper game. ( pass around a roll of tp or string and have guest guess how big the mom to be is)

    there are just a few If i think of any more i will let yu know

    Hope this helps!!
  • One that was played at my baby shower was hilariously take pieces of several different kinds of chocolate candy bars (snickers, twix, hersheys with peanuts, etc) and melt a chunk of each candy and put it inside a diaper (it will resemble poo!). Then everyone has to guess which kind of candy is in each diaper by looking at it and smelling it. SO funny! Another one I played recently is to have about 10-15 baby-related items set out on a tray (diaper, rattle, teething ring, etc) and everyone has 1 minute to memorize everything on the tray (eyes only), then they write down everything they remembered and whoever remembered the most wins. And then of course mom-to-be gets to keep everything on the tray. Word games can also be fun, use the baby's name to form as many words as you can and whoever has the most words wins.
  • stenochick
    stenochick Posts: 142 Member
    Have each guest bring a pic of themselves as a baby. Assemble all the pics on a bulletin board and have the guests guess who's who. Whoever gets the most right wins.
  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    Have the baby shower in San Diego and let me make you a diaper cake!!!

    I like Stenos idea. If you can't coordinate that quickly enough (and if you are a total celeb fanatic like me) you could match the babies to the famous mamas.
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    Present Bingo-have guests fill out bingo cards with baby gift items. collect and redistribute cards prior to starting-everyone should have someone elses card. as the mom to be opens gifts guests mark their cards until bingo is called.

    Guess the price-have an assortment of baby items in varying ranges on a table. have a list of blanks and a list of prices. guests go look at the table and guess what cost goes to what item. most correct wins.

    Baby animal names. on paper have a list of adult animals - guests to fill in baby names of the animals most correct wins

    Name game: On paper list the alphabet A-Z give guests 1-2 minutes to fill in names (boy or girl) for each letter. guest with the most names wins
  • BriannaSkye
    BriannaSkye Posts: 135
    Free the Baby....get a bunch of those little babies from the cake decorating area in michaels and freeze one in an ice cube....the winner is who ever can free the baby first....its gets pretty funny. SOme will try and eat the baby free, other will run to the microwave and we had one stopm on it, it was classic, she is now known as the baby stomper
  • Kitiara47
    Kitiara47 Posts: 235
    The chocolate in a diaper is a really fun game! :)

    For another game, you mix a bowl of uncooked rice and tiny safety pins. I'm not sure how much of each you mix together, but there is definitely more rice. While blindfolded, you have to reach into the bowl and get as many safety pins out as you can onto a plate. Whoever gets the most is the winner. It's amazing how similar the rice and the safety pins feel! Oh, and no grabbing out rice by the handfuls :)

    Another one is pin about 10 baby items on a clothesline or some kind of banner and put it up somewhere as a decoration, and don't mention that it's part of a game. Make sure not all the items are the generic bottles, diapers, etc, but put some interesting items, like a clip on car visor mirror, a teether, or a small baby book so there's not too much guessing the right item. Some time during all the games, discreetly remove the items from the room, and see who can remember the most!
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Well, it definitely depends on the crowd you have attending. If they have an artistic or craftsy bent, one of the most fun things I've ever done at a baby shower is decorate a onesie. The host had lots of white onesies in various sizes and some crayons that will set into the fabric when you iron over the design. It was a blast to see who could decorate the one that the mom-to-be liked best.
  • angmora
    angmora Posts: 22
    My all time favorite is called..... WHATS IN THE BAG? You don't have to buy anything or bring anything. Just write a list of common things we all carry around, and a few odd things~ you will be surprised some people carry wild stuff. Women carry these huge bags around with their entire lives in them. It is really funny cuz everyone starts yelling when they pull out stuff. Here is an idea of a list.
    Gum, candy, nail polish, an electricity bill, eye lash curler, calculator, book, toothbrush, can or juice or pop, post its, flash light, chap stick, socks, highlighter, brush, vitamins, and so on.... and whoever has the most of the items wins.

    my friend did this for my shower.... she went a little overboard though, she had a list like 100 long. and it was so out of control the winner just piled everyones stuff with theirs and said they won. when i did the game I did like 25 items. fewer than that and too common of items and youll have toooo many winners.

    I avoid camera cuz everyone starts asking if their phone counts, then everyone has one.
  • angmora
    angmora Posts: 22
    o i forgot.... embarrassing stuff is funny when you put it down the list a little cuz people are so happy they have something. I called out preparation H, my boss yanked it out of her purse joyfully yelling, "I have it"!!!!
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