

  • you could just do a "general exercise" then put the total time and cal burned. I havent tried that, but maybe I'll give it a try tonight.
  • just opened my diary up, feel free to let me know what you think! Thanks!
  • Thought I remembered reading something about how dried fruit has the sugars concentrated... (taking fish oil-supposed to help the brain :)) Don't really see how 1/8 of a cup would really through the whole diet off though. Maybe try it for a week? It is all about messing up your metabolism the first 17 days though. So that…
  • Strawberries! They're at every roadside stand here and so dang delicious! Had red grapes last week too (well, & kiwi & honeydew as I was finishing up what was in the fridge but...) Did I mention I really :heart: strawberries! Enjoy!
  • I thought the meals were confusing too, glad I wasn't the only one! :) From scanning the different websites and reading his book (ignoring the menu-thats what I'm doing), for C1, it sounds like eat proteins every meal if you can. And 2 probiotics. Besides, you need the protein to keep the calories up to a normal level. And…
  • Have you tried this diet? Or read about it? Its really not that much of "fad" Yes, it sets a structure for us, but its mostly common sense. Why do we become overweight? We eat the wrong foods, too much food, and sometimes too late at night. This "diet" puts some guidelines out there to stop that. With the underlying theme…
  • Don't give up yogurt! Just look for ones that don't have artificial sugars in them. Milk contains natural sugars, so there's always going to be some sugar. A body needs natural calcium. Also, dairy products in general help with weight loss.
  • I don't mind the plain green tea at all, guess I'm weird! But I really like the Lipton diet mixed berry green tea. It just costs more than brewing your own.
  • Just barely started (still waiting for the book) but thinking that greek yogurt is a great way to increase your caloric intake since this diet can be hard to get the correct amount. At least for phase 1.
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