

  • I make a point to go to my iPod or computer and post what I've eaten EVERY TIME after I've eaten something. (Even if it's 5 m&ms) This way I guilt myself with each addition AND I can watch the free calories I have for food disappear. Then when I've reached my calorie limit on the computer I AM DONE. You have to commit to…
  • You have to eat full meals! And It helps me if I get in the habit of trying to eat the same things everyday... For breakfast i have cereal (300 calories) A PB&J (400 Calories) and Dinner which is usually around 600-700 calories and then one or two 100 calories snacks.... I've been doing pretty well about keeping my calorie…
  • It has really helped me to have my ipod touch with the fitness pal program on it. I put everything I eat or do into it and I have it everywhere I am. If I start getting close to going over my calories I feel a little guilty because I can see what I'm doing. I also remember that I can eat anything I want I just can't go…