Help! Need Advice!

So I have been doing pretty well, but the last couple weeks, I have been having very frequent "eat your heart out sessions" as I call them. For some reason, after dinner I have dessert...and then another dessert....and then some crackers....and then some chocolate milk...and pretty soon i am way over my calorie goal and feeling more than a little sick too. Tonight, I realized what the problem is- homework! (yes, I did just prove that school actually CAN be bad for your health :) Whenever I am having trouble with homework, or am stressed about getting it done on time, I tend to try and "distract" myself by getting a snack...or 2 or 3. Now that I know what the problem is, I am looking for advice on how to avoid this situation. I can't afford these days every week (sometimes more than once!) thanks for all of the help!


  • Timeforme714
    Timeforme714 Posts: 189 Member
    I distract myself by chewing gum. I like the Extra dessert gums. The key lime pie and apple pie flavors are really good.
  • rebeccask
    If you're going to munch, munch on carrots or other veggies or drink a fruity tea. I completely understand where you're coming from and I have nights like this more often than I want to.
  • tarawheeler
    I make a point to go to my iPod or computer and post what I've eaten EVERY TIME after I've eaten something. (Even if it's 5 m&ms) This way I guilt myself with each addition AND I can watch the free calories I have for food disappear. Then when I've reached my calorie limit on the computer I AM DONE. You have to commit to not eating when you hit that calorie goal.

    Also, make sure the treats you allow yourself are low calorie but still filling. If you eat ice cream, eat a creamie, they have around 100 calories but are still good and there are still a large amount there. I make 2 qt's of crystal light strawberry kiwi drink and then fill a water bottle with it. If I want a quick drink I grab that instead of a pop. Or I drink lots of water constantly to help me stay full and reduce cravings. The biggest help is to get rid of anything in your house (if possible) that will tempt you. Don't by cookies at the store or chocolate milk. (Even though they are totally amazing! And if you must buy them only by little personal sized packages so you won't sit down and eat the whole thing.

    I also tell myself that as long as I'm eating within my calorie goal of 1400 a day, I can and will eat anything I want. If I want to eat 1400 calories of PB cups then I will but I won't go over that 1400 calories.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!