jewdaism Member


  • I experienced an increase of 40 lbs on my squat on my first couple weeks of dieting, while losing about 10 pounds. I really think it has to do with timing, having an ample fat supply and having a previous consistent lifting routine. Obviously as you approach lower body fat thresholds, the harder it is to do. Just my…
  • Been listening to a lot of Armin Van Buuren and EDM to get in the zone. Basically anything electronic gets me going.
  • No you don't have to stay at one machine you can mix freely. Depending on your goal you may or may not need much rest between sets. If you are trying to build muscle you need to rest between sets > 1-2 mins. If you are just using weight training as a calorie burning supplement you will want less rest between sets as the…
  • A good starting point would be hitting major muscle groups legs, chest and back. I usually use machines to circuit train so whatever is available to you at your gym will determine what you can do. You are looking to move the most amount of weight with limited rest to really squeeze out calories. Careful though, intense…
    in Plateaued Comment by jewdaism March 2014
  • When you reach a plateau you need to turn up the intensity somewhere in your plan. If you are really determined to get those last pounds off id suggest incorporating circuit training into your routine. Hi rep moderate weight with low rest in between sets is a great way to burn through the plateau but it will be tough.
    in Plateaued Comment by jewdaism March 2014
  • This looks like a good starting point. I'd recommend trying to group your workouts by muscle group to allow proper rest.
  • I'd suggest google searching for basic routines to learn various exercises you can do at the gym. Don't be afraid to learn how to squat, bench press and overhead pull down: these are the bread and butter lifts that focus on large muscle groups. Looking at your goals I'm guessing you want to tone up and build endurance. So…