Possible Routine for Starting to lift

Hey everyone,

Recently I have been inspirited to start lifting weights due to some amazing success stories and looking at other women who lift that are fitness model. As a college student it's hard to find time to work out with homework and classes, so I will still be trying to find time to workout. I have been trying to find another girl to find as a training partner that would like to lift weights, but most of my friends think its weird that I want to lift or that it gross. So I will be doing this journey pretty much solo in a college weight room, so it going to be a little intimidating.

I happen to find a simple lifting routine that seem easy by using the split method:

Workout A:

3 sets of 8-10 reps.
2 minutes rest between sets.

Bench Press
3 sets of 8-10 reps.
2 minutes rest between sets.

3 sets of 8-10 reps.
2 minutes rest between sets.

Workout B

3 sets of 8-10 reps.
2 minutes rest between sets.

Pull-Ups (or Lat Pull-Downs)
3 sets of 8-10 reps.
2 minutes rest between sets.

Overhead Shoulder Press
3 sets of 8-10 reps.
2 minutes rest between sets.

Would this be an simple work out for a beginner who is about 5'2, and 121 pound girl? Also after reading the "I'm the women in the free weight section" forum and I know I shouldn't really be intimidated, but I kind of still suffer from it since I have been to my school gym and seen about all guys in the weight room. Since our weight room is small, about a medium size room where you have treadmills on one side, machines, then free weights. I'm trying to find a time to workout when most people are not in the gym, but it seems like when I do go around noon to two is when the sports team are in the weight room which is intimidating plus the mostly use the weights. If someone could give any advice on that it would be great.

Would this be a good workout plan to start?
How heavy are the barbells alone without weights?
What time would you say have less people in the gym?
Also would be ok to do HIIT (high intensity interval training) along side this work out in the morning since I am doing the Bodyrocker 21 day challenge?

Thanks for all the help :)


  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    Looks like a bastardization of Stronglifts 5X5... Just do Stronglifts.

    Download the app. It does the thinking, all you have to do is the lifting. 3x week, if it takes a full hours you're moving too slow.
  • CheriLiftsBig
    CheriLiftsBig Posts: 6 Member
    It looks like you already have your plan...

    if you wanted some suggestions, just take them. I personally like stronglifts for beginners. but dont monkey with the programming and make it way more complicated than it needs to be.
  • CheriLiftsBig
    CheriLiftsBig Posts: 6 Member
    and in regards to the intimidation factor, thats a mindset you have to conquer. If your worried about what other people will think or say, then your only holding yourself back. Its a hurdle, but it must be jumped. No matter how big or small the room is, or who is in it. '

    Just pick up stuff. and put it back down.

    and in regards to your barbell question, a basic multi use barbell weights 20kg/45 pounds.
  • jewdaism
    jewdaism Posts: 8 Member
    This looks like a good starting point. I'd recommend trying to group your workouts by muscle group to allow proper rest.