

  • i love celery and it is my fav snacking food & what ever the calories are its alot better than the ruffles or doritos i would normally be eating :)
    in Celery?! Comment by bsgrl1975 March 2011
  • i like mfp :)
  • Thank you all so much.. I'm very excited. Its only been 2 days since I've changed things for the better, but I have to say mfp is so encouraging. I can not wait to weigh in.. by the way how often do you do that? Once a week? Once a month?? Just curious..
  • I have never done this before either I joined yesterday.. I've only heard good things about this site tho.. good luck :)
  • I just joined about 5 minz ago and your pictures are the 1st thing I seen.. you look great! That is such an inspiration for me.. a friend recommended this to me and Im glad it helps to see people trying to do the same thing and succeeding :) keep up the great work