

  • Panda zumba is in there, i use it every friday. Just have to type it in, then say how long you have done it for. It should say how many calories you burned for those minutes or hours. Hope this helps ... take care
    in zumba Comment by tamgal75 June 2011
  • Have you thought of joining Curves. Its 30mins out of your day and its perfect for woman. I joined last Friday and so far i love it.
  • Welcome!
    in Hello Comment by tamgal75 April 2011
  • I am doing a 12 week program using the biggest loser challenge game for the wii. So far in the last two weeks i have lost 4pounds. Not only do i use the biggest loser workouts my husband and i walk every other day 3-5miles walks. Which i am addicted too lol. What kind of 12 week program are you doing, i would love to learn…