Alitzja Member


  • Hi, JC. And welcome! I'm pretty new here myself. However, since I started here 5 weeks ago, I've lost about 9lbs. I reckon in kilos, so it's 4kg lost. WITHOUT any excersize (yet). I only try to be a little more active than I was before. I actually got here via Venus Factor. They have a program geared especially to women,…
  • I did Atkins about 10 years ago. Lost almost 30 lbs in the first three months, and then hit a major plateau, I couldn't get off of. Kept the weight off for two tears, until summer 2006 (the Second Libanon War) when my nerves gave out. After that, I regained everything, and then some! When I tried Atkins again later on, it…
  • Hi, Bea, I'm Alja, and I'm a widow, too, a little longer than you, though. My DH passed away two years ago. I am ten years older than you, and I also need to lose over a 100 lbs. We can be buds if you like. If you agree, I'll tell you more about myself.