Widow, New here, Begins Journey to Health!

Hello! I have decided it's time to Once and for All, LOSE the UnHealthy 100+ lbs, I have carried for too many Years! losing My DH 7 1/2 Months ago, has been a Journey I never wanted to take. He wanted Me to "Bee Happy". After several Health Scares, I am STOPPING the Damaging Habits, Self-Pity, ANGER at the World and 'I don't Care anymore' Attitude. I took the risk to sign-up here, I wouldn't mind a 'Weight-Loss Buddy' for Support.....Women ONLY Please......and I can be a Good Support Friend too. Currently, I am 55 yrs old., 5'7", Bad Back, Need Knee Replacement, Better Eating Habits, More Self-Care and Learning to Exercise with the Physical Limations I have. Shortly I Will Be Joining the Local YMCA for Swim Classes and Water Exercise. Now I must -Move Forward Alone and I WILL Succeed because of My Faith in CHRIST JESUS... My STRENGTH & SALVATION!! So there is My bit of Story. Hope to meet like-minded Friends. :0


  • Alitzja
    Alitzja Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, Bea, I'm Alja, and I'm a widow, too, a little longer than you, though. My DH passed away two years ago. I am ten years older than you, and I also need to lose over a 100 lbs.

    We can be buds if you like. If you agree, I'll tell you more about myself.
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    So sorry for your loss! Good luck with your endeavors.
  • Soulgroovy
    Soulgroovy Posts: 9 Member
    So sorry for your loss. May God be with you...good luck to you in your endeavors...please feel free to add me!!! :-)