ccjt_o Member


  • I gained 5 pounds at most, and I gained a lot of muscle during this time too (which is also why I did the bulk).At the moment ,I have lost 3 pounds ,I guess that works out a pound a week?
  • I bulked for roughly 5 weeks to boost my metabolism.Today will be my 4th week of cutting,I'm not seeing much of a difference.Pictures should be working now.
  • USN whey protein-Strawberry ,doesn't taste like artificial like other brands I've heard of (In my opinion,anyway) 136 calories 3G carbs 3G fat 24g protein per 34g scoop? Big 2.2 kg tubs are sometimes on offer online or at Costco.Worth the buy .
  • I completed insanity early this year ,it will be tough to begin with but once you complete insanity do not stop because it's much difficult to start a second time round! Personally,the main difference I noticed was that my cardiovascular endurance improved as well as my muscular endurance.My body ,especially my calf…