Advice on how to lose the last layers of fat


I have been trying to lose the last layers of stubborn fat for a while now.
I can feel my abs pertruding out but they are not visible yet.
I go to the gym everyday for at least 2 hours minimum -lifting high weights with low reps.I do get my cardio in ,to balance the ratio out.
My diet seems to be going well ,I have been hitting my macros for 3 weeks now of 1800 .
My BMP is 1300.
Should I lower my calorie intake or will that cause my body to go into starvation mode and lower my metabolism?
The first picture (top left) is at the end of my bulk phase at around 2300 calories ,the following 3 pictures is the 3 weeks at 1800 calories (bottom right photo is today).
Any advice?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i can't see the pictures but how long have you been cutting? how long did you bulk for and how much did you gain?
  • ccjt_o
    ccjt_o Posts: 5 Member
    I bulked for roughly 5 weeks to boost my metabolism.Today will be my 4th week of cutting,I'm not seeing much of a difference.Pictures should be working now.
  • EolAcalia
    EolAcalia Posts: 18 Member
    You loose the last bit of fat the same way you lose the first layer of fat, by being in calorie deficit, if you aren't losing weight, you need to cut more calories.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I bulked for roughly 5 weeks to boost my metabolism.Today will be my 4th week of cutting,I'm not seeing much of a difference.Pictures should be working now.

    bulked to boost your metabolism? how much did you gain in 5 weeks? and how much have you lost in the 4 weeks cutting?
  • ccjt_o
    ccjt_o Posts: 5 Member
    I gained 5 pounds at most, and I gained a lot of muscle during this time too (which is also why I did the bulk).At the moment ,I have lost 3 pounds ,I guess that works out a pound a week?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I gained 5 pounds at most, and I gained a lot of muscle during this time too (which is also why I did the bulk).At the moment ,I have lost 3 pounds ,I guess that works out a pound a week?

    if you've gained 5lb, thats maybe 1lb of muscle, given how quickly women can put on muscle.

    I would say stick to the 1800 and keep cutting. generally, to see abs you just need low enough bodyfat.