

  • this is awesome! I know your not starting FT25 until March 31 but I have already started and coming up on my 2nd week. I just had my first child, a baby girl, a month and a half ago so it is hard getting back into working out. I would really love to wear jeans again!! Looking to lose 20 lbs myself. Good Luck and I am…
    in Intro Comment by vpmedina March 2014
  • I just got back into exercising and tracking my eating on MFP after having my first child a month and a half ago. I am looking to lose 20lbs. i am new on MFP and do not know how to add friends but definitely will once i figure it out. Good Luck!
  • Kind of in the same position but only I had my first baby a month and a half ago and just started getting back into working out again. I would love to get back to 135 my prepregnancy weight and back into my size 6s but i don't see that happening. i'm using MFP for the first time to track my eating habits and making sure i…
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