

  • Thank you all! I've been busy and just got a chance to come back to this. Thanks to all of you I'm much less concerned (though I think maybe I need to go look for walking shoes and leave my running shoes home!). I'm a little worried for my husband, who like the one mentioned above, is broad shouldered, over 6 feet tall and…
  • Welcome! I love this site, it's the only thing that's ever worked for me. I use it religiously, tracking every morsel that I eat. I've lost just about 30lbs since July 19. We can cheer each other on :) I've got a lot more to lose. Fossie
  • I just joined the 100+ support group a couple of weeks back and would love to do the challenge as well. I'd definitely be a swimmer, though if need be may be able to help some with biking. I need a team though :)