Beckadaro Member


  • I have been Diet Coke free for 72 days. I had been drinking 12 - 18 cans a day for years (I know I know). I had to quit cold turkey, I had tried to cut back and by the end of the week I would be back to having too many. It does get easier as time goes by. I had a head ache for about 3 days but after that it's not so bad.…
  • OK I started level 2 today, dang it kicked my butt. I made it through but just barely and I had to take a few breaks during the Planks. I really need this but dang LOL Any suggestions on how to improve my planking skills?
  • I found video 1 &3 on youtube, but level 2 you have to "rent" from them. I went to and ordered mine because my internet sucks and it would pause the video while I'm trying to workout. My video came in today I'm going to get it tomorrow and I'm excited to have it without having to worry about the internet…
  • I'm on level 1 day 7 so far I've lost 4 inches off my waist but no pounds. I'm up for the challenge but I'm now waiting for my videos to arrive. I've been watching it on YouTube but get frustrated with the lag my internet has lol. I would love to see others progress to help keep me motivated