Trying to kick the soda habit...



  • purplebohemian

    Have you tried mixing club soda or seltzer water with fruit juice? Start with 50:50 and then slowly work your way down to less and less juice VS more water until you like it plain.

    I have not tried that idea yet. :smile:
  • Katiekwilts
    I've kicked the soda habit multiple times. For me, it's a Mt Dew addict, and I do mean addict. I'm sure every person is different, but for me it has always worked to quit cold turkey. The first 7 days are rough, literal caffeine withdrawal. My trick is to drink lots of water and a little ibuprofen if needed. After I'm off the stuff I can't even have a sip, in the past I've been off for months and then thought I would have "just one" for a special occasion and before I know it I'm back to 4 cans a day! Which is especially interesting given that that "just one" soda didn't even taste that great. I really do believe they are addicting.
  • lucasmoten
    lucasmoten Posts: 143 Member
    I'm finding it hard to kick my soda habit. I usually drink regular soda--never diet. I've tried diet soda before, more out of curiosity than for lack of calories, and never liked it. I wouldn't even consider using it as an alternative to help me stop drinking the regular stuff. Does anyone out there have any tips to help kick the habit? Thanks!

    When I first started out, I initially cut out soda, and just kept with plain cold water and coffee. On the coffee front, I switched out regular sugar for sweet and low. Then, a full month later, I tried a soda. A mountain dew. It was so thick sugary sweet that it made me kind of ill. I started trying the diet sodas and found some that I like. Turns out, my favorite is Coke Zero, with Diet Coke being a distance 2nd. Other diets just don't do it for me. And I despise flavors in my water as it feels dirty. I need my water clean, clear, either nothing in it, or with sodium bicarbonate. For me, it's easier to go cold turkey on something and then revisit a changed variation later rather then taper.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Just stop .. that is what I did. One day .. I just said no more. That was last August. I think I have had about about 2 bottles in the last 8 months. That **** is very bad for you, so you are well off to not do it.

    The main issue was all the bottles were annoying me .. as they were taking over.

    Good luck .. it really is a very simple thing to do.
  • purplebohemian
    I've kicked the soda habit multiple times. For me, it's a Mt Dew addict, and I do mean addict. I'm sure every person is different, but for me it has always worked to quit cold turkey. The first 7 days are rough, literal caffeine withdrawal. My trick is to drink lots of water and a little ibuprofen if needed. After I'm off the stuff I can't even have a sip, in the past I've been off for months and then thought I would have "just one" for a special occasion and before I know it I'm back to 4 cans a day! Which is especially interesting given that that "just one" soda didn't even taste that great. I really do believe they are addicting.

    This sounds EXACTLY like me. I can tell when I am going through withdrawal too.
  • eslcity
    eslcity Posts: 323 Member
    The answer to this is Willpower and nothing more.. just don't do it.. if you consider it a problem... I normally just don't drink it... but if i do i don't punish myself... I just log it in and keep on moving..

    remember exercise, eat healthy and have the occasional snack or soda..
  • Janautical
    Janautical Posts: 75 Member
    There is no easy way to do it. I just decided that I wasn't going to drink it anymore. It's hard because my fiance drinks coke regularly but I don't drink anything but water and ocassionally some milk (well, and alcohol sometimes).

    Once you stop drinking it, you start to realize how addicted you were to it . . . I was walking around a fair yesterday and saw everyone selling coke and it looked SO good but then I realized . . . water is what I really needed. My body was thirsty for water. Soda isn't something I should be craving just because I'm thirsty.

    I dunno, it's hard to explain. But even like three weeks out, you start to feel a lot better.

    ETA: Oh, also, just keep a HUGE water bottle with you at all times. I drink about 5 liters a day.
  • ruthejp13
    ruthejp13 Posts: 213 Member
    I think for me, it is the sugar that is the addicting part. Sure I like the caffeine, but I don't think that is what initially draws me to soda.

    Try adding fruit to your water.

    I was a serious Mountain Dew addict. I'm not one for the carbonation but I was in it for the sweetness and caffeine. Once a year I would quit for a week and have serious withdrawal. When I started eating better and exercising I stopped buying the stuff and slowly cut back. My husband likes the carbonation. We bought a Soda Stream so he can have the carbonation and add the flavoring at a very weak level.
  • Beckadaro
    Beckadaro Posts: 4 Member
    I have been Diet Coke free for 72 days. I had been drinking 12 - 18 cans a day for years (I know I know). I had to quit cold turkey, I had tried to cut back and by the end of the week I would be back to having too many.

    It does get easier as time goes by. I had a head ache for about 3 days but after that it's not so bad. My son had a Diet Pepsi the other day and I took a sip ......OMG it was so sweet I had a hard time swallowing it. I now drink water or flavored water all day.

    Good luck with kicking the habit :)
  • FireOpalCO
    FireOpalCO Posts: 641 Member
    Ice cold water. For some reason it being really, really cold is what makes it taste so good.

    I've always preferred Mexican Coke to current American Coke (I can taste the difference between sugar and HFCS). I've told myself that if I'm going to have a soda, I'm going to have the real thing. I don't buy soda at the store at all and since all the restaurants and soda machines stock the American stuff...

    Basically it takes a special occasion plus being somewhere that sells real sugar soda already cold for me to get any. I honestly can't remember if it's been four or five months since my last taste.

    Now asking me to give up coffee will get you speared and left out in front of the castle gates as a warning to others.
  • DaisyKate30
    DaisyKate30 Posts: 9 Member
    I've always been a diet dr pepper addict... I got sick last fall and then things started going down hill around Thanksgiving and I stopped eating/drinking. It turns out I was having kidney failure. I was in the hospital for 7 days and when I got out... I just didn't drink the soda and now I'm 6 months soda free.

    You can do it... it's hard but normally easier to just go cold turkey. There's tons of things you can drink... sparkling water (Wal-mart's American clear is my favorite), ICE sparking water - so many flavors to pick from, flavored water, crystal light, lemonade, light or diet juices, and then there's always good ol plain water, too.

    Good luck!! Just keep thinking about how much better you will!

    Also, my fiance will buy a diet coke sometimes when we are out and about... I've had a sip here and there and it's just god awful! I still can't understand why I was so addicted in the first place.
  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    Would it help to drink Club Soda instead of Diet Soda? I don't drink soda but if my stomach feels a little funny, I drink Club Soda and it often helps. Club Soda does not have any sugar in it. It does not have any artificial sugar either.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Don't drink diet- cancer chemical soup.
    Well first be able to back up with peer reviewed clinical study (not an article or a blog) that diet soda causes cancer.
    2nd, ALL food and drinks are comprised of chemicals.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • austepants
    austepants Posts: 356 Member
    I don't buy it! If its not in the house I cannot consume it! I also started making fruit infused water that was always in the fridge ready for me when I needed something to drink. It has been over 2 months now and I'm loving it.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    Don't drink diet- cancer chemical soup.

    One reason I stay away from the diet stuff!

    ^ This would not be a valid reason to avoid diet soda as it's nonsense.

    I'm finding it hard to kick my soda habit. I usually drink regular soda--never diet. I've tried diet soda before, more out of curiosity than for lack of calories, and never liked it. I wouldn't even consider using it as an alternative to help me stop drinking the regular stuff. Does anyone out there have any tips to help kick the habit? Thanks!

    ^ But the bold would be.

    And while that doesn't change your situation, the distinction is worth mention.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Hi OP. Id recommend considering the fact that there are many artificial sweeteners to choose from and although you may not like the taste of those that name brand soda companies have chosen to use you may like the taste of others. In your shoes is buy some club soda split it into a bunch of glasses and stir in sweeteners until I found one I like. If there is literally nothing but sugar that will satisfy try stirring in half as much as store bought. If you find something you like get a sodastream or some other home-soda machine and make your own.

    Personally I prefer aspartame but everyone's tastes are different.
  • fiyahwerks
    fiyahwerks Posts: 7 Member
    I'm a Pepsi addict. One day, my dream is to say former Pepsi addict. But I'm still fighting for that title.

    I'm trying those "detox" waters. Water with fruit to curve my Pepsi addiction. I've done it in the pass by quitting cold turkey and going 1-2 months without a soda. Then that evil little voice in my head starts saying "oh, this would be so good with a pepsi, yadda yadda". Then I try it and start my vicious cycle again.

    Some of the things that helped me curve my Pepsi addiction is:
    -Drinking water with lemon. I love water with lemon. But I like the smell and taste of lemon too.
    -Always and only drink water when dining out. Soda definitely makes the wallet lighter at restaurants nowadays.
    -Drink water as soon as I get up (20-40 oz.)
    -Try to drink water with all meals. (My hardest fight).

    As I stated in the beginning, I am still a work in process. I drank a Pepsi today and felt sick after I haven't had one in 10 days. It left a nasty taste in my mouth. I felt so bloated. I really just wanted to taste the "bite" of the Pepsi when I first drank it, which is only about 2 oz at the most. It's definitely not worth it, so I hope I can get over this addiction soon.

    You are not alone in this fight.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I'd have it at every meal and never ANY water. None.

    Ah, but ya did, though. Diet soda is 99% water. :)
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    If you want to kick any habit that is non-essential to life (obviously, eating is not among those which makes weight-loss more of a challenge), the best method over time is cold-turkey. Just stop it and eliminate it all at once. It can be re-introduced after a few months if you prefer in moderation but to eliminate the habit all at once is the best method IMHO.
  • cookjl124
    cookjl124 Posts: 14
    i am a die hard sweet tooth so i cut out soda but replaced it with 50% apple juice and 50% water... I did that before i really started dieting now i just went straight to water.... with an occupational glass of 50% juice....