

  • Thanks for the replies! I felt absolutely awful yesterday. It seems like once it drops I'm battling all day to get it back up. Today I have a lingering headache and dizziness. I know that yesterday I had too much of the refined carbs and I'm sure that's what triggered it. Man, I would love to not feel sick so often.
  • I was seeing a chiropractor for tension headaches. It was because I wasn't being active at all. So I started a new workout program. On the day after working out my shoulders and back I had a similar issue. Actually I ended up staying home sick because of a migraine. So I made an appointment with my chiropractor. She heated…
  • Thank you all for your wonderful responses! Even my husband suggested that I change what time of day I workout. I currently get up and work out first thing in the morning but if I wait until after work I'm more likely to not do it at all. I think I just need to slow down (since I'm just starting out). Maybe I'm burning…
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