

  • I weigh in daily just to keep tabs on myself. It is also a reminder to make healthy choices during the day (ie. skip that dessert; don't indulge in chips.... )
  • Oh yes! Bring a change of clothes! And plastic bags to put your dirt clothes in. Maybe also some water to wash off with.
  • Oh my! I did my first one this past spring and had SO much fun!!! I don't think you need glasses, and if you do, they will probably just get mud splattered anyway. Also, I do still wear the clothes I wore at the run but it took lots of river baths, hose-downs, and washing machine cycles and repeated use to get the dirt and…
  • I agree that your protein seems very high. I had heard that you should eat half your weight in pounds in grams. For example if you are 125 lbs then you should eat 62.5 grams of protein. Over 100 grams sounds like a lot to me.
  • I am completely in the same boat. I've been struggling for a month now to find some motivation. I'm at my goal weight but there's always more to improve upon but I am struggling to become motivated. I loved how I felt exercising regularly and I'm trying to push myself to not be lazy but it's still hard for me to get out…
    in Focus Comment by nordam July 2011
  • I would suggest slowing your pace down. I think especially when first starting out, it is important to simply complete your time or distance regardless of how long it takes. For example, if you plan on going out to walk and run for 20 min. Make sure you complete those 20 min. If you plan on running 2.6 miles, make sure you…
  • Try both run and walk segments. Don't try to do all running until your body is more used to exercise and running. Don't try to run too fast. Go at a pace that you feel you can manage. If its too hard, try walking. Otherwise you might find yourself frustrated and discouraged. I had tried running multiple times but always…
  • You can use your body weight (pushups, squats, lunges, planks).
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