Catnaper260 Member


  • Welcome back, I am a repeat offender also.. lol been back in the game for a bit now, but a slow loser. If you want to add me, would love to offer support. I am here daily. :)
  • Love your sense of humor about it all. Congrats on the 22 lbs loss so far. :)
  • Welcome.. would love to add you to my friends..:) sending request
  • Hi Madlynn... I am 52, two kids, one in her last semester of college, (HaPPy DanCe). I was on MFP in 2012 and successfully lost over 18 pounds, but the last two years of a lot of emotional eating has put it back on me. I have found the error of my ways, lol, and am back and ready to get this weight off forever. If you…
  • Welcome, you have made the first big step to changing. You gotta not think of it as a diet, but a change in the way you live you life. Be realistic and set goals you can meet. You are gonna have missteps, but we all do, the thing is to just pick up and get right back on track. You can do this!! If you need some extra…
  • Hi Eileen, welcome to MFP. If you are looking for friends and encouragement, I am sending you a friend request. My story is on my profile. :)
  • Hi Sharon, would love to help support you in your journey. I have been a MFP member since 2012, I lost 16 pounds but have put it back on this year due to eating as a way to soothe some personal losses in 2014. But I am back and ready to fight the fight and lose the extra weight. Feel free to add me if you like I check in…
  • Hi, I am 52 and I have no tips but if you are interested in adding me you may. I have been on and off MFP, lost 16 pounds in 2013, but gained most of it back in 2014 due to eating to soothe myself through some personal losses this year. But, I am resolving to get back on track and take better care of myself. I find that in…
  • HI camillia, welcome to MFP, if you need friendly support, feel free to add me also. I am sorry to hear about your fathers death, I lost a close friend myself this year, she was only 49 years old. I definitely understand where such an event can throw you off of your groove. : ) Anyway, again,,, welcome
  • Hi Ronda, I am a "redo" for MFP too. : ) Back at it myself just this week. I am 5'2 also and a bit of a slow loser. I am setting small goals for myself to accomplish one at a time, but overall, I have a good 20-25 pounds to lose. Would love to be part of your support team. Add me if you like. : ) You are never a failure,…
  • Hi Jeanne. you can do this. I am going to be 52 years old and can offer you friendship and support in your journey. I have done WW in the past, and I have been away from MFP for about close to year. Regained some of the weight back (my bad) . Sending you a friend request.. : )
  • sent a request.. : )
  • Hi Charice, welcome back to MFP. I too am starting over with MFP. I left for about a year and after digging out my spring and summer wardrobe yesterday and the it aint' gonna fit me pile was bigger than the it fits pile, I knew it was time to get back to being accountable. We can so do this!!! If you would like to be…