lorigrocks Member


  • Yes we call those rockets in Canada...our smarties are chocolate with a candy coated shell...similiar to m and m's but way better. They come in a rectangular box and can be bought everywhere...they are also very common in vending machines.
  • Thanks...please feel free to share your story on how your hubby saved you...I'd love to hear it no matter how different it is :-)
  • Thank you everyone and it is wonderful he is very supportive. For those who don't have that kind of support...stock up on that kind of thing cuz it really works :-)
  • I have a desk job as well but I do alot of walking...for example instead of taking the short cut to fill up my water bottle I'll take the long way around...walk a long way to the photocopier and printer and even park far away so I'll have to walk to and from my car everyday...I also do stretches at my desk and the good…
  • Wow what an amazing story...you are truly an inspiration! You are also very beautiful and look absolutely awesome. I'm sure you will do really well with following your dreams you so deserve it. All the best to you and I hope you continue to post as I would love to see how you are doing every now and then :-)
  • For example on MFP if I log that I have drank more than 10 cups of water per day it shows the cup over flowing lol...do I need to worry about that? I have already consumed 8 cups of water and it's only dinner time and I am heading out to kickboxing soon and will of course drink even more water.
  • I weigh myself every morning when I wake up...crazy I know but I like to see where I am at with the certain foods I have eaten the day before. I have learned alot by doing that...TOM, too much sodium - water retention, etc. But I only log my weight once a week usually every Saturday morning.
  • Congratulations :-)
  • Awesome job! Way to go!
  • Are you eating anything before you workout? I always have some peanut butter on toast right before my workout and it works perfectly for me. I once only had an apple before my workout and I felt light headed and very dizzy. Lesson learned for me :-)
  • I always have the little packets of 90 calorie snacks at work just in case I have a craving...I have anywhere from a chocolate brownies, cookies, pretzels, etc. I like them because they come in packets with all of the information on. Also, 5 cups of popcorn (Smart Pop) in the mini bags work for me as well.
  • Yes. What I do is I usually plan out my meals the night before (log them) and plan what I would like throughout the day. I even have my Large Tim Horton's Coffee with Double Cream every single morning...that is one thing I cannot give up!! But it all works into my daily calories so I am good.
  • I think you look great!! I am having the exact same problem...before I got pregnant with my first child I weighed 130lbs and looked a bit on the heavier side (when I got married I was 120lbs)....I have never gone back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 130lbs after having 3 children. Now I am 2 pounds away from being 130lbs…
  • Get back on track now! I went away on vacation in April to an all inclusive resort for 5 nights...I ate and drank whatever I wanted to..When I got home I had gained 4 lbs...went right back on my diet and lost the 4lbs within a week and felt great. Alot of it was water retention. You can do this...the sooner you get back on…
  • For me I had one bad day where I pigged out on chocolate and felt horrible afterwards...I felt guilty plus had horrible stomach pains. I have never done that again...I still eat chocolate once in a while but it fits into my daily calories. The odd time we have pizza and I just have 2 slices and I am good. As tempting as it…
  • I always have peanut butter on toast before my workouts. I made a mistake yesterday and just had an apple and I was feeling sick half way through my workout so...lesson learned for me!!
  • I have always craved Sour Cream and Onion chips in the evenings and couldn't just have a few...I would almost eat the entire bag!! So what I did was I bought the Special K Sour Cream and Onion crackers...they are really good and I still get that flavor. Sometimes I also eat Rice Crackers which still give me that crunchy…
  • That happened to me a few years ago and that was all because I hadn't had anything to eat before I went to the gym. I learned my lesson and always eat some peanut butter or oatmeal or even fruit and drink lots of water before and during my workout then when I am done I eat a proper meal.
  • Way to go...keep up the good work!
  • Same with me...yum!
  • I have been doing an hour of kickboxing 3 times per week and sweat like crazy every single time...my butt, sports bra and even my hair is soaked in sweat. My face turns beat red and the sweat drips off of me...I am 5'6" and weigh 133lbs and have been doing kickboxing for 2 months now. It is very embarrassing and I even…
  • You look amazing wow...I'm sure I will have lots of questions to ask you later lol.
  • Oh I am so glad I saw this...oatmeal and pumpkin pie are my two favorite things :-) I will definitely try this...my mouth is already watering lol. Is this more of a dessert type food?
  • How do you get your body fat tested? Can I do it myself?
  • I went away on Vacation at the beginning of April to an all inclusive place - I was worried about it because that was 5 whole days of eating and drinking anything I wanted (and of course I wasn't going to hold myself back)...when I returned I had gained 4 lbs but the good news was as soon as I returned home I started right…
    in BEER FEST Comment by lorigrocks May 2014
  • I am very close to maintenance and I want to be able to maintain my weight for years to come. I also want to be able to wear a bikini at the beach and not feel self conscious about it. I have way more confidence now and am a much happier person. I am also working out very hard, something I have tried in the past but have…
  • Thank you everyone for all of your replies :-) No...I don't lift weights (yet)...I'd like to get started on that though to tone. I do kickboxing for an hour 3 times per week and get a very intense workout - lots of punching and kicking so I know I have gained strength in my arms and legs and can actually feel the muscle…
  • Thank you so much for all of your responses...I really appreciate it. So I guess I can say that everyone is different some gain and some don't so I'll just have to find out which side I lay on. I am almost ready and will be prepared with lots of low calorie snacks and veggies available. To all of those who have quit…
  • I do an hour of kickboxing 3 times a week.
  • That actually did happen to me...it took me approx 5 days to figure out what it was by doing lots of research and changing my foods, etc. What it was that was causing the pain for me was 'sugar/fat free hard candies'!! I thought oh I don't want to snack on anything while I am at work so I'll try these candies...I would…