Erodahs Member


  • Network security tech... fancy word for the guy that makes it so you can't access what they don't want you to.
  • Blargh hope I didn't mess up the image tag. Anyway, from around 378 (ish) in that picture, and I think the right is around 250. I'm a bit slimmer now and have a bit more muscle mass but at the moment I haven't gotten around to putting in a side by side of a more recent picture >.>
  • Always open to be added, I try to keep all my logs and everything visible so strong opinions on how I'm doing things wrong are not always welcomed, but generally encouraged (interesting debates can ensue) but yeah motivation support, and a side of sarcasm and wit are always welcome in my book =)
  • How successful is successful, I'm not doing terribly but I am not where I want to be ><
  • I just hit 360, One year is coming up rather quickly, though I suppose I can't argue with the results
  • Yeah this is true but there are certainly more appropriate ways to bring up that kind of concern. Though I'm of the opinion especially when it deals with something that they may be trying to achieve themselves people tend to instantly think negatively about how others are accomplishing what they aren't. I actually had a…
  • Franklin County here... not really near anything large enough to mention though. The border of Maryland but yeah that's about it ><
  • Yeah it really depends on whats on the plate ><. Franks for general use, Sriracha on chicken and scrambled eggs or anything noodle(y). I also will admit more than a slight addiction to some of the sauces at Buffalo Wild Wings, Spicy Garlic and Mango Habenero in particular, but those are a once in a while thing cause the…
    in Hot Sauce Comment by Erodahs July 2013
  • Fry a frozen turkey.... FYI this should just not be done in general but yeah added discomfort
  • Good job man, pretty much the same philosophy here as well with the diary and it's not a diet and what not, keep it up =)
  • Trying to ditch almost 2, down 57 so far. Always free for an add and I keep everything open (keeps me honest). Soo yeah if you want throw me an add =)
  • Girl Interrupted Not really for the title more for the setting... I mean plot yeah totally wasn't implying they belonged in a sanitarium >.>
  • Keep it up =), you will get to your goal if you stay focused and on track. There is almost no greater feeling than fitting in to old clothes or having to add holes to a belt =)
  • Awesome, love NSV's... people at work keep congratulating me and I am so motivated to continue this and lose it. One of the things I think I want to do when I accomplish my goal is frame an old set of clothes I have that were well fit for the old me on the wall next to a hanging belt I have that I've already cut three or…
    in My NSVs Comment by Erodahs April 2013
  • I'm over 349 ish and it took awhile for me to start dropping one or two pounds at a time but recently I've been doing a lot at a time soo give it some time man =)
  • Alright, I'll take a look and give it a shot, though the settings are kinda weird but whatever let's do this. As I said, I'm trying to change my habits and I've been doing so drastically perhaps bit too drastically but yeah I'll give it a shot.
  • Yeah I was a bit worried about that too, my situation is that at work the time I have allotted to me means I'm going out a lot, I'm keeping under calorie goal (YES I KNOW TOO LITTLE ><) but that one meal out always seems to be a "biggie". I'm going to start trying to either pack (though the fridge is notorious for people…
  • YEP, eating too little I know ><. Haven't been all that bleeding hungry lately ><
  • Ok then. As I said, just wondering since it will keep an update and what not and MFP will update the caloric amount with it. I'm trying to lose weight, but I'm doing it sanely and long term. I'm a fat man reforming trying to make changes that will (if all goes well) a healthy albeit smaller me. Granted, this is a new arena…
  • Feel free to add me, as far as ideas... not sure I'm too helpful there as I'm slightly boring (save the comments that apparently everyone keeps laughing at ><) but yeah I'm an open book if ya need.
  • Better, perhaps a bit, more than slightly apprehensive, absolutely, but meh I figure if I at least introduce myself and then disappear there is a better chance I will get some help in the form of a random hey where are you. Hopefully I can get something started and change some of the past shenanigans but thanks =)
  • @Judding waaaait a minute bright light? As I said, I'm a nerd, we shun such things =) Kinda like an overly photosensitive Jedi if you think about it... maybe thats why they always have those robes on.