nlt518 Member


  • Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat soluable vitamins and the body stores what it doesn't use. Iron, zinc and other minerals can also build up. Either can become toxic and dangerous more easily than you think. For instance, I changed vitamins so I was getting 200% RDA of iron for 3 weeks. That is only twice the recommended…
  • Today you prayed 3 minutes more than most people....that's a good start. One of things that motivated, or perhaps convicted me was the verse, "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?" (I Cor. 6:19) I had not been a good steward of my body, a sin I had…
  • Carbs have gotten a very unfair bad rep in this country, mostly because of trendy diets designed to sell books and products. Carbs are a key part of a balanced diet. In fact, your body requires carbs to process protein. Rather than give up carbs, try eating differently. Switch over any processed breads, rices pastas etc to…
  • Feeling dizzy after exercise can mean a lot of things. Other posts are very correct in their possibilities. It could also be sinus or inner ear pressure. A sudden drop in blood sugar can be an early warning sign of diabetes; or a number of cardiac issues. The blood pressue issue that was referred to earlier is called,…
  • Best of luck to you too! Just keep at it, it does work and it is worth it! :) Nancy
  • Thank you. I guess I finally got to the point that I was in so much physical and emotional pain that just had to do something. The anti-depressants really helped give the energy to try. I have wonderful support from my medical advisors and family, that helps. Good luck with your efforts to become fit and healthy. It is…