sudofarr Member


  • I would have a terrible time giving up yogurt! My go-to lunch or breakfast when I am pressed for time is plain non-fat greek yogurt with fresh fruit, 2 tablespoons of walnuts, cinnamon, and a teaspoon of honey. It keeps me going for hours!! (And I agree that the weather in April has been awful but today was lovely! Long…
  • My new favorite is the dark chocolate mocha almond! And my new year is going well! I lost weight over the holidays and now I am about 9 pounds alway from goal (am down 41 lbs.)
  • I used a Flex for several months until it apparently got caught on something and came off, never to be seen again. I linked it to MFP and noticed how the Flex gave me many more calories for exercise than MFP. My husband uses a Garmin and his device was much more compatible to MFP which made me think that the Flex was…
  • Oh, Kind bars are commercial bars with quite a variety of ingredients. Some of them have a lot of sugar due to dried fruit,etc, but some are heavy on nuts and only have 5 grams of sugar and pretty low carbs overall. I don't use them to replace a meal but for a hike, they have around 200 calories that all fit into my…
  • I am now plotting how to get through the December holidays without indulging too much on sweets. My discovery of Kind bars (some of them have only 5 grams of sugar) has made it possible for me to indulge my sweet tooth just enough. Dark chocolate mocha almond is my favorite.
  • Yes... I use it to track carbs since I am eating low carb. It just seems to work for me but I can see how it would be good for a diabetic. My daughter (25) was just diagnosed this year and she is finally getting a handle on it! Good luck! Susan
  • Hey Joan, your new gym sounds great! I love the idea of using MFP by the dietician. I also love that there are so many classes. I am usually a solitary exerciser (not on machines but outside with the pooch) but I am happier in classes.
  • "I did it! I am now "overweight." No longer morbidly obese, or any kind of obese. As I mentioned in my newsfeed, it is all relative. I'm so excited to be overweight. There was a time that would have been awful to say that! " I had to laugh out loud when I read this! I did exactly the same thing! It was such a relief to be…
  • The amount of food we eat at Thanksgiving was really brought home to me last week! I tried to low-carb the meal as much as I could and only had one helping of what I prepared but was so full after that, I couldn't eat any pie. So here is the triumph. I didn't have any pie! And I lost 1.5 lbs for the week. So yayee!! No…
  • I am feeling a little Grinch-y myself! One child in Spain and one here for a few days but mostly I am not feeling the spirit. I envy those of you who have grandchildren because that would love that new enthusiasm for the holidays that children bring! Nevertheless, I am trying to keep losing over the holidays. I lost about…
  • We have a very small Thanksgiving but the traditional menu items are very important to everyone, including me! I have tried to reduce calories and reduce carbs and results have been mixed. So I think that I will have plenty of vegetables to fill my own plate and leave a little rooms for the rest!
  • It helps some. The problem is that I tried once to "low-carb" some traditional menu items such as pumpkin pie and the results were not awesome:( I think the key for me on holidays is going to be portion control. Although, I think I am going to use the "When Pigs Fly" low-carb bread to make stuffing. I use it for toast…
  • I have bagged it and am taking it to school to make students and their parents fat instead of me!
  • I am having a terrible time with leftover Halloween candy! For some reason, this year we didn't have many trick-or-treaters! My husband is eating it but not fast enough... it is really calling my name. I would take it to school for students to eat but they have Monday and Tuesday off! (I should mention that I have been…
  • Hi! I am actually over 60 so I have had over 10 years of dealing with the struggle to stay fit over 50 and have to admit I have given up more than once. But I am back in the fight. MFP has been really helpful! It's a way of keeping honest... My favorite exercise is hiking but since I live in New England, that may have to…
    in 50+! Comment by sudofarr October 2014
  • I just started the DASH diet on Sunday and so far, I am finding it pretty easy to follow. In fact, it is a little hard to eat enough calories! I never have that problem! I love that it is low carb but allows all the great summer vegetables. I am still in the first two weeks (Phase 1) so no fruit :( and no grains yet but I…
  • H! I am new to the group but not new to trying to lose weight (sigh!) I just started with MFP last Sunday and I am using the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) and so far it is going pretty well. I have lost a pound so I am on my way to losing the 50 lbs I really need to lose! With the nice summer weather, I am…
  • Hi! I would also love some support... I have about 50 lbs to lose (give or take) but now that I am over 60, it is so-o-o much harder than when I was younger, although I have always struggled with weight. I am a high school librarian so summer is a great time to be active and start something new. I also sing at Old…