

  • How are you doing on this? I've been on Raw food for 18days now and have lost 20lbs. It really have not been a problem at all and I have a ton of energy.
  • My 6week body makeover package came with an infinite menu planner and you could choose if you want to use the accelerated weightloss guide as it just shows you how to lose weight faster. Try sticking to the plan using the infinite menu planner do the accelerated stuff off and on so you could have some of the foods you love…
  • I started on Tuesday(4/19) with Plyo and I finished legs and back yesterday (4/23) it all seem great so far. I just hope I could be like my 9yr old daughter she does ab ripper when she gets home from school then plyo and ab ripper after she takes a nap and home work "she's a beast" I don't let her do any of the strength…
  • Congratulations, That's awesome!