6 Week Body Makeover

How many of you tried the 6 week body makeover program? I bought it and lost about 6lbs the first week, but it's limiting me A LOT on what I should eat based on my body type (body type A). I'm thinking about going back on the program. Anyone think I should? I need any critique you can give me :)


  • jojodaly
    jojodaly Posts: 8
    Personally, the key to success is the ability to maintain this lifestyle long-term. This is not a diet for me, but a way of living. I have a problem with food, so I have to learn to live this way for the rest of the my life. The six-week body makeover is excellent; however, the chances of relapse is high because of the limited food. When a person is told they cannot have something, that is exactly what he or she wants.

    Long-term, I would not recommend that.
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    I did it a couple years ago. Yes, I lost weight, but I also gained it all back when I got bored with the same 'ole crap! I'm not a big fan of all the spices he used to jazz stuff up. I am leery about programs that make you eat certain things only, seems like the more you take things away, the more I want them. Now, I'm doing things in moderation. Watching portion size, and eating more fruits & vegy's. I'm not losing as fast as I would like (do we ever??) But it's a slow steady pace. I don't know if that helped you...
  • losermomof3
    losermomof3 Posts: 386 Member
    I am wondering if you could do this plan 3 to 4 days a week..then on the other days still eat healty but add in what you cant have on this plan and still lose weight. I think I am going to try it..unless someone else hasnt had succuss doing this. I think I misspelled succuss...oh well. :o
  • capoeirista
    My 6week body makeover package came with an infinite menu planner and you could choose if you want to use the accelerated weightloss guide as it just shows you how to lose weight faster. Try sticking to the plan using the infinite menu planner do the accelerated stuff off and on so you could have some of the foods you love and you should be ok.
  • losermomof3
    losermomof3 Posts: 386 Member
    I dont think mine came with an infinate planner. I bought mine about 4 years ago. Hmm..interesting. Well, I am doing good so far. Sticking with it most days :D
  • TerrificT
    TerrificT Posts: 12 Member
    I did the plan about 3 years ago and lost 50 pounds. It was great! Since then I had a hysterectomy and that was when I put on 10 pounds. I am going to start the plan again because it kept me eating and loosing weight quickly, and the best part I've kept most of it off. I'd love to knock down another 32 to 37 pounds. Worked great for me and I highly recommend it! :wink: