

  • I'm a fan of the grilled chicken sandwhiches on whole wheat buns at Harvey's. I usually get a salad as a side too, my calorie counter doesn't usually hate me for eating it. Enjoy your man being home Ash! :)
  • :happy: Success!!! Today is take-out night here... and I managed to talk myself out of the burger and fries and get a grilled chicken burger on a whole wheat bun with a side salad... I think I did pretty good! kept me under my calories for the day!
  • I'm only on day 6 too. So you aren't the only one! We can catch up! :smile:
  • Thanks for the tips! I definately like the idea of having a healthy food cabinet... I'm starting to wonder if I should make it a secret one though.... Never know when the boys are going to go on a feeding frenzie and eat everything in the house...
  • I kinda fell off the band wagon on Friday.. I have yet to do a shred since. I need someone to kick my butt so I can get back at it tonight!!!
  • Didn't get to Shred Friday or yesterday... although I did spent all day yesterday doing crazy manual labour doing renovations to my house! Back to shredding tonight!!!!
  • Completed L1D4 last night... thinking of taking tonight off though.. My back isn't feeling too pleasant today after doing work at my dining room all day. I need new dining room chairs I think... or a proper office... lol. either one... Will continue L1D5 tomorrow!!
  • Just finished L1D3.. Legs and arms are screaming at me... at least I survived!!!! I also noticed I crave sweets much less on the days I do the shred.. Perhaps this exercise thing IS worth continuing. hehehehe. :)
  • Managed to power my way through L1D2 last night.. only stopped once when my leg cramped up. :) Here's hoping tonight is a little easier.. Is anyone finding it easier to do the video in the morning rather than after work? I've always done my exercises when I get home but I'm wondering if it would be worth getting up early…
  • I'm not much looking forward to doing L1D2 when I get home tonight. I'm a little sore in the legs from last night... I won't skip though. I am determined to look good in my bathing suit this summer!
  • I'm with you Shelby, I have a hard time keeping at things. Here's hoping this helps us both!
  • Awesome! I ordered the DVD online yesterday. Hopefully It can get to me before Monday. I'm in!