
  • Shelby2003
    Shelby2003 Posts: 2 Member
    I play my DVD in our X-box 360 and I just have to hit the main menu button a couple of times and it will skip all of the intro stuff. I haven't tried it in the regular DVD player yet. This is my fourth time starting this DVD. I'd do it for a few days and then life would get busy and I'd stop. NOT THIS TIME! If I want to lose any weight I have to make exercise fit into my day. It is such a workout but it does get easier for anyone that's doubting themselves. I've done level one so many times, while it is still a great workout, I wanted a little more so this time around I've been doing level 2 then level 1. The next day I just do level 2, then the next day level 2 then 1 again and so on. It's been working good that way. I think I'll stick with it for a while before moving up to level 3. Level 2 still kicks my butt pretty good but even after doing it a few times I can tell my breathing gets easier and I don't want to throw up near as much!! :) And then level 1 seems like a break for me. I already feel stronger - not sure if I lost any weight just yet since it's only been a week and I haven't weighed myself but I do feel better. And the food diary/calorie counter from this site helps so much to keep my eating in check! I'm addicted to the iphone app. Anyway, I hope everyone is sticking with it. There are so many encouraging posts on here. JM is a hard *kitten* but like she says, SHE GETS RESULTS! I have no doubt that if we can all keep going, we will be stronger, thinner, and healthier.
  • bebhinn
    bebhinn Posts: 198
    L1D4 done! I felt much better waking up this morning, less sore and more motivated.
    The exercises weren't as hard, except for the fact that I think my floors are hurting my back... today I couldn't do any of the Jumping jacks/Jump Rope/butt kicks without being in severe pain mid-spine and after about 3/4 of the way through circuit 2 I stopped and started replacing them all with punches.

    I don't know what to do? We have laminate wood floors on top of cement really, and I think that my core "chub" slamming around paired with the shock of the floors is gonna hurt me. Does anyone have a suggestion?

    Looking forward to day 5!
  • karen366
    karen366 Posts: 141
    Muffin top gone! I put on my jeans this morning(ones that I had hidden in the back of my closet because they were getting too tight..) I put them on..I didn't have to lay down to zip them up...and the best part NO MUFFIN TOP~ Woohoo!
  • Completed L1D4 last night... thinking of taking tonight off though.. My back isn't feeling too pleasant today after doing work at my dining room all day. I need new dining room chairs I think... or a proper office... lol. either one...

    Will continue L1D5 tomorrow!!
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    Muffin top gone! I put on my jeans this morning(ones that I had hidden in the back of my closet because they were getting too tight..) I put them on..I didn't have to lay down to zip them up...and the best part NO MUFFIN TOP~ Woohoo!

    Awesome! Way to go :drinker: Can't wait until my pooch is gone.
  • Completed L1D4 last night... thinking of taking tonight off though.. My back isn't feeling too pleasant today after doing work at my dining room all day. I need new dining room chairs I think... or a proper office... lol. either one...

    Will continue L1D5 tomorrow!!

    I'm thinking of taking tonight off feet are hurting a bit is pouring rain like you wouldn't believe and the wind is horrendous...i've been out on the go all day and now i am pooped...think i will just rest today and get back at it tomorrow when hubby goes to visit his parents
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    L1D5 Shredded! Yaayyyyyy!! Alright ...5 days in and I am seeing some changes.

    Firstly in my endurance. NOW

    * I can do all of the push-ups without stopping (girlie push-ups) but I am getting them in!! ( It certainly wasn't easy, but I got through) :happy:

    * I can do all the jumping jacks without feeling like death ..:laugh:

    * Finally learned to do the butt kicks.. Before I was kinda jogging in place, but I got the hang of them today.. I was a bit reluctant a few days ago because I have had some knee issues in the past and didn't want to aggravate them.. But I DID THEM TODAY!!! WOhoooo!! :smokin:

    Can't wait to report back on day 10 of Level 1.. 5 days to go!!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Muffin top gone! I put on my jeans this morning(ones that I had hidden in the back of my closet because they were getting too tight..) I put them on..I didn't have to lay down to zip them up...and the best part NO MUFFIN TOP~ Woohoo!

    I love this!!! You keep doing what you do! You are a serious go getter!!! I love that about you!
    As far sports bras...I got some Champions from Target, they were on sale for $3.00 I bought a couple of them all in green b/c that's all they had!!!:laugh:
    Oh, and thank you so much for your kind words I really appreciate it!!!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    L1D5 DONE! And I think I'm going to do it again later tonight becuse yesterday I felt great doing it twice. And I think the more I do it the better I am getting at it. I can do all of circuit 2 following Natalie & I make it all the way through circuit 3 without stopping! I am still modifying the bicycle crunches but I am determined to get through a whole minute of them without modifying! Circuit 1 I am not having a problem with except the pushups. I did stop for 5 seconds on the jump rope of circuit 1 because I did not drink enough water before starting and my mouth was sooo dry! I may increase my weights to 8 lbs because the 5lbs are becoming very easy, except on the shoulder raise/side lunges!

    So 5 days into it & I can't believe how far I have come from day 1! I think 5 more days of this & I will be ready for level 2 (I hope!)
    My goals for level 1 are:

    *Complete at least both sets of pushups doing girly pushups
    *Complete all cardio without stopping
    *Complete the bicycle crunches without modifying
    If I don't complete the pushup goal I'm not too worried about it & will not let it hold me back from moving to the next level, I have always had a hard time with pushups and am going to continue them everyday until I can do real ones!

    I am so proud of everyone, just think we are 5 days into this and everyone is so motivated! I couldnt have gotten this far without all of you!

    Look at you....getting it in 2x in a day!!! Excuse me!!!!! You go ahead with your bad self !!! You all have me wanting to try it 2x in a day!!! Keep it up Girl!!!!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    L1D5 Shredded! Yaayyyyyy!! Alright ...5 days in and I am seeing some changes.

    Firstly in my endurance. NOW

    * I can do all of the push-ups without stopping (girlie push-ups) but I am getting them in!! ( It certainly wasn't easy, but I got through) :happy:

    * I can do all the jumping jacks without feeling like death ..:laugh:

    * Finally learned to do the butt kicks.. Before I was kinda jogging in place, but I got the hang of them today.. I was a bit reluctant a few days ago because I have had some knee issues in the past and didn't want to aggravate them.. But I DID THEM TODAY!!! WOhoooo!! :smokin:

    Can't wait to report back on day 10 of Level 1.. 5 days to go!!

    You are doing so well I just can't help to smile. I have problems with my knees as well & though I want to do every move in advanced I just can't in level 3 they have these things called rock star jumps & as much as I want to get up there with Nathalie I just can't I fear jumping up and powerfully bending my keens while in air & then SNAP my knees blown. There a lot of cardio moves that I have to modify, b/c they are torture to the knees!
    I wish all the best on your journey!!!
  • Half way done with Level 1 and I feet great!

    5 more days to go until another challenge in itself! Let's keep it up ladies (and gents)!
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    L1D6...I just about talked myself out of shredding today. I had to go to work at 6 am...I had to fill in and unload freight..(which is a workout all on it's own..) I had to stay for a supervisor meeting an extra hour(got off at 2:30)..oh and of course that TMO started today...I got home and I thought..heck I will skip it, but I didn't..I got on my shoes and exercise gear and did it! So glad I did..I think I will skip my 20 minutes on the treadmill...
    Will Shred again tomorrow!

    Good Job Karen!!!!! It is great that you pushed through!!! :flowerforyou:
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    L1D5 Shredded! Yaayyyyyy!! Alright ...5 days in and I am seeing some changes.

    Firstly in my endurance. NOW

    * I can do all of the push-ups without stopping (girlie push-ups) but I am getting them in!! ( It certainly wasn't easy, but I got through) :happy:

    * I can do all the jumping jacks without feeling like death ..:laugh:

    * Finally learned to do the butt kicks.. Before I was kinda jogging in place, but I got the hang of them today.. I was a bit reluctant a few days ago because I have had some knee issues in the past and didn't want to aggravate them.. But I DID THEM TODAY!!! WOhoooo!! :smokin:

    Can't wait to report back on day 10 of Level 1.. 5 days to go!!

    You are doing so well I just can't help to smile. I have problems with my knees as well & though I want to do every move in advanced I just can't in level 3 they have these things called rock star jumps & as much as I want to get up there with Nathalie I just can't I fear jumping up and powerfully bending my keens while in air & then SNAP my knees blown. There a lot of cardio moves that I have to modify, b/c they are torture to the knees!
    I wish all the best on your journey!!!

    I TOTALLY know what you mean!! THANKS for the support!! The reason why I even ventured into them today as because I started running in January, I told the coach I had problems with my knee.. She asked when was the injury.. I thought about it and realized that it was 15 YEARS AGO!:laugh: When I was in High School..She said, stop enabling yourself because you fear re-injuring your knee.. So that was my reason for attempting them today!!

    Once we get rid of some of the weight we will be doing cartwheels!!! :wink:
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    deleted duplicate post
  • Hi Girls :smile:

    Just a fast run by... I got my D5L1... done and over... think ing about doing it again in the am ?

    Hope everyone is out thar.. a shredd-N!! :drinker:

    Catch up next time.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    l1d4 - done! it's getting easier. big girl push-ups for all of it! :) bad choice on bras today (i have one that i run in that zips, thought it would be fine). it unzipped halfway through the third set. funny!

    good job everyone! keep it up!
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    l1d4 - done! it's getting easier. big girl push-ups for all of it! :) bad choice on bras today (i have one that i run in that zips, thought it would be fine). it unzipped halfway through the third set. funny!

    good job everyone! keep it up!

    GET IT GIRL with those big girl push ups!!!!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,
    Today I will start Level 3....I watched it last night but, you know seeing it is one thing and doing it is a whole other ball game.

    I have my results from Day 1-20.


    Weight: 198.4
    Body Fat% 41.5%
    Waist- 39
    Stomach- 42
    Thighs- 27
    Hips- 45
    Chest- 41.5

    End Level 1:

    Weight: 194
    Body Fat% 39.1%
    Waist- 37.5
    Stomach- 41.5
    Thighs- 26.5
    Hips- 43.5
    Chest- 41

    End Level 2:

    Weight: 189.6
    Body Fat% 37.9%
    Waist- 37
    Stomach- 40.5
    Thighs- 25
    Hips- 43
    Chest- 40.5

    OH YEAH 3.6% Body Fat…..GONE…Don’t want to see you any more. 2 Inches lost in almost every area…..BUHBYE!!! Happy to see you go!! 8.8lbs………..YOU’RE OUTTA HERE!!!! :happy:

    I am so motivated to stay on my journey to a healthier life style, I'm so glad I tried this DVD by JM. As much as I hate the way she's kicks my *kitten*, I love her for showing me what I am capable of doing & pushing myself. My new BF in my head!!!

    Have a great one Ladies!!!

    So proud of you, Lee! You motivate me just by being you!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    L1D5 DONE! And I think I'm going to do it again later tonight becuse yesterday I felt great doing it twice. And I think the more I do it the better I am getting at it. I can do all of circuit 2 following Natalie & I make it all the way through circuit 3 without stopping! I am still modifying the bicycle crunches but I am determined to get through a whole minute of them without modifying! Circuit 1 I am not having a problem with except the pushups. I did stop for 5 seconds on the jump rope of circuit 1 because I did not drink enough water before starting and my mouth was sooo dry! I may increase my weights to 8 lbs because the 5lbs are becoming very easy, except on the shoulder raise/side lunges!

    So 5 days into it & I can't believe how far I have come from day 1! I think 5 more days of this & I will be ready for level 2 (I hope!)
    My goals for level 1 are:

    *Complete at least both sets of pushups doing girly pushups
    *Complete all cardio without stopping
    *Complete the bicycle crunches without modifying
    If I don't complete the pushup goal I'm not too worried about it & will not let it hold me back from moving to the next level, I have always had a hard time with pushups and am going to continue them everyday until I can do real ones!

    I am so proud of everyone, just think we are 5 days into this and everyone is so motivated! I couldnt have gotten this far without all of you!

    Keep it up! You are doing awesome..

    Isnt she????? So proud of you lady!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    I wish there was a way to skip past the intro stuff on the dvd. Maybe it's my player??? I guess I want to be able to put it in and go immediately to the screen where I can choose what l want (recommendations, workout etc) and then straight to chosing my level and go at it. Anyone have any ideas??

    I'm just leaving the dvd player on all the time now, I hate that intro, too! Is that bad for the player?

    L1D4 CHECK! I did 10 girly pushups on the floor, and the rest leaning against the kitchen counter.

    Did the anterior raises like this...left arm, right arm, both arms.

    Other than that I did my FEET hurt on the jump rope but I'm good on everything else. I got more sweaty than I have before and I had the A/C on.

    Karma, you're awesome! And great job everyone else, you are all a daily joy and inspiration to me.

    Thanks!!! (Not sure why I'm awesome, but thanks!!! ) LOL You too are equally kick *kitten*!
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